Guarantee Trust Life
Medicare Supplement Plans

Founded: 1936
Home Office: Glenview, Illinois

Guarantee Trust Life Insurance Company (GTL) is dedicated to providing Medicare Supplement plans, also known as Medigap plans, to individuals enrolled in Original Medicare. These plans are specifically designed to offer additional coverage, assisting beneficiaries in managing out-of-pocket expenses including copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles. GTL's Medicare Supplement plans aim to enhance healthcare coverage and provide financial predictability for seniors and Medicare-eligible individuals.

Guarantee Trust Life Medicare Supplement PlansGTL typically offers a variety of Medigap plan options, such as Plan A, Plan B, Plan F, Plan G, and Plan N, among others. Each plan offers different levels of coverage, enabling beneficiaries to select the one that best suits their specific healthcare needs and budget. Plan F provides comprehensive coverage, while Plan G and Plan N offer substantial benefits with variations in cost-sharing and coverage details.

For insurance agents, GTL's Medicare Supplement plans present an opportunity to assist clients in addressing potential gaps in their Original Medicare coverage. GTL is renowned for its commitment to delivering dependable coverage, and the diverse range of plan options allows agents to customize their recommendations to individual clients. By offering GTL's Medicare Supplement plans, agents can help clients achieve enhanced financial security in healthcare and ensure they have access to necessary care without the burden of high out-of-pocket costs.

About Guarantee Trust Life

Guarantee Trust Life Insurance Company (GTL) is a well-established insurance provider with a history dating back to 1936. Headquartered in Glenview, Illinois, GTL offers a range of insurance and supplemental health products designed to meet the diverse needs of individuals and families.

GTL's insurance offerings include various life insurance products, accident and critical illness insurance, short-term care insurance, and Medicare Supplement plans (Medigap). The company's Medigap plans are designed to complement Original Medicare coverage by providing additional benefits that help policyholders manage out-of-pocket healthcare expenses.

With a commitment to customer service and financial stability, GTL aims to provide insurance solutions that offer peace of mind and security to its policyholders. The company's dedication to meeting the evolving healthcare needs of its customers, combined with its focus on providing reliable coverage, has positioned it as a respected insurance provider in the industry. GTL continues to serve as a valuable resource for individuals seeking insurance coverage that aligns with their healthcare and financial protection requirements.