Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans

Offering Medicare Supplement plans, also known as Medigap plans, provides several advantages for insurance professionals. These benefits include the potential for commission income, a substantial and growing market of Medicare beneficiaries, the ability to offer additional coverage and fill gaps in Original Medicare, and the ability to build long-term relationships with clients by assisting them with their healthcare needs.


Guide to Selling Medicare Supplement Plans


As a National Medicare Supplement Distributor (FMO), PSM has the support and resources to assist our agents with a broad range of Medicare Supplement solutions for your clients.


Medicare Supplement Carriers We Represent

Aetna Med Supp
American Home Life Medicare Supplement
Capitol Life Medicare Supplement
Humana Med Supp
Nassau Medicare Supplement Plans
UnitedHealthcare Medicare Supplement
Aflac Medicare Supplement plans
Anthem Medicare Supplement Plans
cigna Medicare Supplement
LifeShield Medicare Supplement Plans
Physicians Mutual Medicare Supplement
United American Medicare Supplement
Allstate Health Solutions Medicare Supplement
Bankers Fidelity Med Supp
GTL Med Supp
Mutual of Omaha Medicare Supplement
Prosperity Life Medicare Supplement Plans
Wellabe Medicare Supplement
Medicare Supplement Agent Resources

Our platform equips agents with extensive tools and educational materials to boost your understanding and skill set in offering Medicare Supplement plans. We enable you to master the intricate details of Medicare with ease, ensuring you're well-prepared to cater to the varied requirements of your clientele.

Working Insurance Leads-1    Cross Marketing Senior Insurance

14 Ways to Generate Medicare Leads    Getting Started in Medicare Sales

Learn to Sell Medicare Plans Online    Medicare 101 Slideshow

Selling Medicare Supplement Plans-1    Medicare Lead Qualifier Script-1


How We Can Help

Key functions of a Medicare Supplement FMO include:

Product Knowledge: Medicare Supplement FMOs offer agents in-depth knowledge about various Medicare Supplement plans available. This knowledge allows agents to help clients make informed decisions based on their specific healthcare needs.

Carrier Contracts: FMOs help agents contract with multiple insurance carriers that offer Medicare Supplement plans. This expands agents' options and allows them to offer a wider variety of plans to clients.

Education and Training: FMOs provide agents with ongoing education and training to stay up-to-date on the latest Medicare Supplement plan options, regulations, and sales techniques. This ensures that agents can provide accurate and relevant information to clients.

Sales Support: FMOs may offer marketing materials, lead generation programs, and guidance on effective sales strategies to help agents succeed in the Medicare Supplement market.

Commission Management: These organizations assist agents in managing and tracking commissions for the sales they make, ensuring timely compensation.

Compliance Assistance: Medicare Supplement FMOs help agents navigate and adhere to Medicare marketing guidelines and other regulatory requirements, avoiding potential penalties and compliance issues.

Client Support: They may offer post-enrollment support to clients, addressing any questions or concerns regarding their Medicare Supplement plans.

In summary, Medicare Supplement FMOs serve as valuable intermediaries between insurance carriers and agents, offering critical support and resources to agents specializing in Medicare Supplement insurance. This support ultimately benefits agents by helping them provide clients with the best possible options and information, contributing to client satisfaction and well-informed choices.

Medicare Supplement Information

A Medicare Supplement (Medigap) policy is health insurance sold by private insurance companies to fill the "gaps" in Original Medicare Plan coverage. Medigap policies help pay some of the health care costs that the Original Medicare Plan doesn't cover. If you are in the Original Medicare Plan and have a Medigap policy, then Medicare and your Medigap policy will pay both their shares of covered health care costs.

Generally, when you buy a Medigap policy you must have Medicare Part A and Part B. You will have to pay the monthly Medicare Part B premium. In addition, you will have to pay a premium to the Medigap insurance company. You and your spouse must each buy separate Medigap policies. Your Medigap policy won't cover any health care costs for your spouse.

Medicare is a health insurance program for:

  • people age 65 or older,
  • people under age 65 with certain disabilities, and
  • people of all ages with End-Stage Renal Disease (permanent kidney failure requiring dialysis or a kidney transplant).
Part A: Hospital Insurance - helps cover the Medicare holder's costs of inpatient care while in the hospital. Coverage includes critical access hospitals and skilled nursing facilities. It also helps cover hospice care and some home health care expenses. Part A does not include custodial or long-term care. Beneficiaries must meet certain conditions to receive these benefits.
Cost: For those eligible, a monthly payment, called a premium, is rarely paid for Part A because they or a spouse have already paid Medicare taxes while working. If a beneficiary does not have premium-free Part A Hospital Insurance, they may have the option to buy Part A if they or their spouse are not entitled to Social Security, for reasons such as, they did not pay enough Medicare taxes while working, are age 65 or older, or are disabled but no longer receive free Part A because they have returned to work.

Part B:
Medical Insurance - covers doctors' costs as well as outpatient care expenses. Part B also insures medical services that Part A does not cover, such as some services performed by physical and occupational therapists, as well as some home health care. Part B helps finance these covered services and supplies when they are medically necessary.
Cost: A monthly payment of the Medicare Part B premium. In some cases, this amount may be higher if the beneficiary did not enroll for Part B when they first became eligible.
Caution: The cost of Part B for unsigned eligible beneficiaries will go up 10% for each 12-month period after they first become eligible for Part B. Once they are enrolled, they will have to pay this penalty for as long as they have Part B.

Beneficiaries also pay a Part B deductible each year before Medicare starts to pay its share. The beneficiary may receive aid from their state to pay this premium and deductible.


Medicare deductible and premium rates may change at the beginning of each year.

Prescription Drug Coverage - Most people will pay a monthly premium for this insurance coverage. Since January 1, 2006, private companies have made Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage available to every Medicare beneficiary. Coverage may help lower prescription drug costs and help protect against higher costs in the future. Beneficiaries may choose their desired drug plan accordingly. If a beneficiary does not enroll in a drug plan when they are first eligible, they may pay a penalty if they choose to join later.