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Benefits of Taking Your Medicare Business Digital

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Thu, Nov 02, 2023 @ 01:33 PM


Selling Medicare insurance online offers a host of compelling advantages for both insurance agents and seniors alike. The digital platform provides a broader reach, allowing agents to connect with potential clients regardless of geographical boundaries.

This convenience extends to seniors, who can explore Medicare plans, compare options, and even enroll from the comfort of their homes, eliminating the need for in-person visits. The 24/7 availability of online resources ensures that information is accessible at any time, accommodating different schedules.

Additionally, the efficiency of online operations reduces overhead costs and paperwork, allowing agents to allocate resources more effectively. Through data-driven strategies, agents can deliver personalized recommendations based on clients' needs, enhancing their experience.

With real-time communication, rapid updates, and scalability, selling Medicare insurance online not only streamlines the enrollment process but also provides a dynamic and tailored approach that aligns with the digital age, benefiting agents and seniors alike.

Welcome to a NEW ERA in Medicare enrollment.

PSM has teamed up with SunFire to bring you a revolutionary new tool to write more Medicare business. With our all-inclusive platform, you can sell Medicare plans on your terms. Offer top carriers, receive the best commissions, all with industry-recognized service and support.

SunFire Enrollment Center-2

View our Medicare Solutions portfolio today:

Medicare Supplement Plans  |   Medicare Advantage Plans   |   Part D Prescription Plans

Discover an unparalleled array of valuable resources tailored exclusively for insurance agents serving the senior market. From personalized marketing materials to interactive sales strategies, our goal is to empower agents with the latest tools, technology and mentorship to achieve new levels of success. View Resources.

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Tags: Medicare Advantage plans, medicare supplement insurance, Marketing, Best Practices

Your Guide to Marketing Medicare Plans in Your Community

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Thu, Nov 02, 2023 @ 01:32 PM

Medicare Marketing - LocalIn this guide we will explore some creative and effective marketing ideas to engage with your local community to build a formidable Medicare business. All while staying local and budget-friendly. Added bonus - Learn about a simple idea that is inexpensive and generates fantastic results. Download the guide today.

Building relationships and trust within your community is paramount. By demonstrating a genuine commitment to helping seniors find the right Medicare plans for their needs, you can establish yourself as a valuable resource and trusted partner in healthcare decisions.

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Tags: Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement, Medicare Part D, Professional Networking, direct mail, Seminar, Marketing, Local

Marketing Masterminds: Closing Live Transfer Leads to Power Your AEP - Sales Process & Overcoming Objections

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Thu, Nov 02, 2023 @ 01:28 PM

medicare masterminds

We hope you enjoyed last week’s edition of Marketing Masterminds. In this session, Bobby and Brian further reinforced their sales process and answered live questions from our attendees.

If you couldn’t make it, we recorded the session for you to watch by clicking this link.

A copy of Bobby and Brian’s sales process is also available here.

Want to join us for another Q&A session? We’re hosting 2 more during AEP that you can register for by clicking either of the links below!

Thursday, November 9 at 1:00pm ET

Wednesday, December 6 at 1:00pm ET

Marketing Masterminds: A monthly webinar series to deep dive into marketing best practices, tips for success and more.

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Tags: Medicare Advantage, AEP, Marketing, social media

Customized Promotional Medicare Flyers

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Thu, Oct 19, 2023 @ 04:35 PM


Looking for pre-approved Medicare Flyers you can customize with your personal information? Well look no further! PSM offers an array of promotional materials to help you stand out in the Medicare market.

Looking for something custom? We also offer a full suite of creative services to our producing agents. Let us know how we can help you today!

View flyer samples






Supercharge your lead generation, skyrocket your sales, and boost your income with custom marketing pieces to help you stand out in the crowd.

Request details here or call us at 800-998-7715.

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Tags: Marketing, Flyer

Benefits of Using a Client Needs Assessment Form

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Wed, Oct 04, 2023 @ 12:24 PM

CNA Form The assessment form allows insurance agents to gather comprehensive information about the client. This information is crucial for guiding clients towards the most suitable plans. With a clear understanding of the client's needs, agents can recommend plans that align with the client's health requirements and preferences. This ensures that clients enroll in plans that cover their specific healthcare services and medications.

Want a custom version with your info and logo? Inquire with your Marketing Representative today and we would be happy to accommodate!

Step 1 - Collecting information through a CNA for all your clients is the optimal method to guarantee your ability to offer coverage options and plan selections that align with their present circumstances.

Step 2 - Engage in the CNA process to gain insights (or refresh your understanding) into your client's Medicare eligibility, existing coverage, and their primary concerns regarding their healthcare coverage.

Step 3 - Utilize the details gathered from the CNA, along with your discussion, to introduce potential plan choices that align with their particular requirements.


By analyzing the assessment form, insurance agents can identify potential coverage gaps in a client's current or desired plan. This allows agents to suggest supplemental plans to fill those gaps. By involving clients in the assessment process, insurance agents educate them about different coverage options, and potential out-of-pocket costs. This empowers clients to make informed decisions about their healthcare.


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For Agent Use Only.


Tags: Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement, Medicare Part D, Professional Networking, Marketing

Preparing for the 2024 Annual Enrollment Period

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Thu, Sep 07, 2023 @ 03:58 PM

Prepare for AEP

Preparing for the 2024 Annual Enrollment Period (AEP)

Preparing for the 2024 Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) in the Medicare market requires strategic planning and a proactive approach to effectively meet the needs of beneficiaries. As this critical period approaches, there are several key steps to consider in order to maximize your success and provide valuable services to your clients.

First and foremost, staying updated on changes to Medicare regulations, plan offerings, and industry trends is paramount. The healthcare landscape is constantly evolving, and being well-informed positions you as a reliable source of information for beneficiaries seeking the right coverage. Attend seminars, webinars, and training sessions provided by insurance carriers to ensure you're up-to-date with the latest developments.

Reviewing your marketing and outreach strategies is essential to engage potential clients during the AEP. Refresh your online presence by updating your website, social media profiles, and other digital channels. Consider creating informative content such as blog posts, videos, and downloadable guides that address common questions and concerns about Medicare plans. Tailoring your messaging to highlight the advantages of different plans can help beneficiaries make informed decisions.

Focusing on compliance is also crucial during the AEP. Familiarize yourself with the Medicare Marketing Guidelines issued by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). These guidelines outline the dos and don'ts of marketing Medicare plans. Ensuring that your marketing materials are accurate, transparent, and compliant will maintain your reputation and prevent potential legal issues.

Lastly, anticipate the surge in inquiries and be prepared to offer personalized assistance to beneficiaries. Consider implementing systems to manage incoming queries efficiently, whether through your website, email, or phone. Providing clear and concise information, as well as addressing concerns promptly, can set you apart as a trustworthy advisor. By offering exceptional customer service, you'll establish strong relationships with clients that extend beyond the AEP.

By strategically approaching this period, you'll not only serve your clients effectively but also position yourself as a knowledgeable and reliable Medicare advisor.


At PSM, we are committed to providing our agents with a range of resources and support to help them succeed. From personalized marketing materials to interactive sales strategies, our goal is to empower agents with the latest tools, technology and mentorship to achieve new levels of success this AEP.

AEP Resources:

Powerful Partnerships:

We are committed to providing our agents with a range of resources and support to help them succeed: Our powerful partnerships include:

Strong relationships with insurance carriers and industry experts to provide agents with access to the best products, tools, and support.

Capital infusion and acquisition strategies to help agents expand their business and reach their ultimate goals.

Dedicated service and mentorship from experienced professionals to help agents build a successful business.

Proprietary lead, training, marketing and enrollment platforms to streamline your sales process and business practices.

Compliance oversight to ensure agents are meeting regulatory requirements and operating ethically.

Succession planning and agency building support to help agents plan for the future and achieve long-term success.

AEP Helpful Guides:

AHIP Certificationmedicare enrollment periodsSEP Guide

Best Practices for Medicare Sales or Educational EventsSell Medicare Plans Onlinean agents guide to dual eligible special needs plans (DSNP) 

Cross-Selling Hospital Indemnity Plans GuideSelling Medicare Supplement PlansSelling Medicare Advantage Plans

We are here to support!

As a reminder, We pride ourselves on a "Do the Right Thing" approach and will go above and beyond to service the needs of our agents. We look forward to having a successful AEP and supporting you with products, technology and the personalized service you have come to expect from PSM. We appreciate the opportunity to earn your business and wish you the best!


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Tags: Medicare Advantage plans, CMS, AEP, medicare supplement insurance, Compliance, Marketing, Best Practices, 2024

Navigating Success: Best Practices When Selling Medicare Insurance to Seniors

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Mon, Aug 14, 2023 @ 01:21 PM

Best Practices - Medicare Sales

Selling Medicare insurance to seniors is a significant responsibility that requires a delicate balance of understanding, empathy, and expertise. As seniors approach retirement and healthcare becomes a central concern, your role in guiding them through their Medicare options is invaluable.

To excel in this field, here are essential best practices to consider:

1. In-Depth Knowledge: Medicare is a complex program with multiple parts and options. To gain seniors' trust, you must have a thorough understanding of the various plans, coverage options, enrollment periods, and eligibility criteria. Be prepared to explain these intricacies clearly and simply.

2. Educational Approach: Seniors may be unfamiliar with the nuances of Medicare. Offer educational resources, seminars, or workshops to provide insights into how Medicare works, the differences between Part A, B, C, and D, and the potential out-of-pocket costs. Empower them to make informed decisions.

3. Personalized Consultations: Every senior's healthcare needs are unique. Schedule one-on-one consultations to assess their medical history, current health conditions, and prescription drug requirements. This information will help tailor your insurance recommendations to their specific needs.

4. Build Trust Through Transparency: Honesty and transparency are crucial. Clearly outline the benefits, limitations, and potential costs associated with each Medicare plan. Highlight any potential gaps in coverage and explain how supplementary insurance, such as Medigap or Medicare Advantage, can fill those gaps.

5. Address Affordability Concerns: Many seniors are on fixed incomes, so cost considerations are paramount. Explain the cost structures of different plans, including premiums, deductibles, co-pays, and out-of-pocket maximums. Discuss ways to manage costs while ensuring comprehensive coverage.

6. Communicate Effectively: Seniors may have varying comfort levels with technology. Offer multiple communication channels, including in-person meetings, phone calls, and printed materials. Adapt your approach to their preferences to ensure clear and effective communication.

7. Emphasize Preventive Care: Seniors often prioritize maintaining good health. Highlight Medicare's emphasis on preventive services, wellness visits, and screenings that can help them proactively manage their well-being.

8. Address Prescription Drug Coverage: Many seniors rely on prescription medications. Explain how Medicare Part D covers prescription drugs and discuss the importance of enrolling in a plan that aligns with their medication needs.

9. Simplify the Enrollment Process: The enrollment process can be overwhelming. Provide step-by-step guidance to help seniors navigate the paperwork and deadlines associated with Medicare enrollment.

10. Showcase Your Expertise: Highlight your experience and expertise in the Medicare insurance domain. Share case studies or success stories that showcase how your guidance has benefited other seniors.

11. Stay Up-to-Date: Medicare regulations and policies evolve. Stay informed about the latest updates and changes to ensure your advice is current and accurate.

12. Offer Post-Sale Support: Your relationship with seniors doesn't end after they enroll in a Medicare plan. Be available to address their questions, assist with claims, and provide ongoing support as their healthcare needs evolve.

Selling Medicare insurance to seniors goes beyond selling a policy – it's about offering a compassionate service that enhances their quality of life. By demonstrating your deep understanding of their healthcare concerns, presenting clear options, and providing continuous support, you become a trusted partner in their healthcare journey. Remember, every interaction is an opportunity to make a meaningful difference in the lives of the seniors you serve.


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Tags: Medicare Advantage plans, medicare supplement insurance, Marketing, Best Practices

CMS Memo: Definition of Marketing

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Mon, May 15, 2023 @ 11:24 AM

CMS Memo- Definition of Marketing

Date: May 10, 2023

To: Medicare Advantage Organizations, Medicare Advantage-Prescription Drug Plans, Prescription Drug Plan Sponsors, and Section 1876 Cost Plans

From: Kathryn A. Coleman, Director

Subject: Definition of Marketing

📑 Download the official announcement

In order to ensure Medicare beneficiaries are making enrollment decisions based on up-to-date and accurate information, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is issuing this memo to clarify the definition of marketing for Medicare Advantage-Prescription Drug Plans, stand-alone Prescription Drug Plans, 1876 Cost Plans, and Third-Party Marketing Organizations (TPMOs).

Regulations at 42 CFR §§ 422.2260 and 423.2260 define marketing as communication materials and activities which meet specific intent and content standards.

  • The intent component of the definition of “marketing” is met when any material or activity is intended to draw a beneficiary's attention to plan or plans, influence a beneficiary's decision-making process when selecting a plan, or influence a beneficiary's decision to stay enrolled in a plan (that is, retention-based marketing).

  • The content component of the definition of “marketing” is met when any material or activity includes or addresses plan benefits, benefits structure, premiums, or cost sharing; measuring or ranking standards; or rewards and incentives.

To date, CMS has permitted the mentioning of widely available benefits (i.e., vision, dental, premium reduction, and hearing) in materials or activities without those materials or activities being considered marketing subject to the marketing regulations. We did not believe the general descriptions were made with sufficient intent to draw attention to a particular plan or subset of plans. This interpretation was predicated on the assumption that a beneficiary would be unlikely to make an enrollment decision based on widely offered benefits advertised without information on the associated costs for enrollees. CMS monitors both organization and TPMO marketing by reviewing marketing and communication materials and activities, reviewing complaints received through 1-800-Medicare, and listening to marketing and enrollment calls.

Due primarily to the recent proliferation of TPMO advertising, we have found, however, through our surveillance, reviews, and discussions with interested parties that many beneficiaries do inquire and some enroll based on the original advertisement of these types of benefits. Beneficiaries have contacted agents, made calls to 1-800 numbers, and responded to flyers asking about the dental, vision, hearing, and cost-savings being marketed. Therefore, we are expanding our interpretation of the regulatory definition of “marketing” to include content that mentions any type of benefit covered by the plan and is intended to draw a beneficiary's attention to plan or plans, influence a beneficiary's decision-making process when selecting a plan, or influence a beneficiary's decision to stay enrolled in a plan (that is, retention-based marketing) and thus subject to review.

As stated above, marketing requires both intent and content. Content that beneficiaries can receive benefits such as dental, vision, cost-savings, and/or hearing services is sufficient information about plan benefits, benefits structure or cost sharing to meet the content standard in the definition of marketing in §§ 422.2260 and 423.2260. Further, the use of these statements in advertisements and activities directed to Medicare beneficiaries clearly meets the intent standard. Therefore, beginning July 10, 2023, any material or activity that is distributed via any means (e.g., mailing, television, social media, etc.) that mentions any benefit will be considered marketing and must be submitted into HPMS. This clarification, along with the new marketing safeguards codified in the Contract Year 2024 Policy and Technical Changes to the Medicare Advantage Program, Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Program, Medicare Cost Plan Program, and Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly final rule (CMS-4201-F), will help ensure that beneficiaries have accurate information when shopping for Medicare coverage and are protected from potentially misleading marketing activities.

Questions may be sent to marketing@cms.hhs.gov. Please copy your Marketing Reviewer.

Tags: CMS, Compliance, Marketing

Lead Generation Advice for Today’s Savvy Agents

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Thu, May 11, 2023 @ 10:01 AM

Lead Generation Advice for Today’s Savvy Agents

The number one question facing agents in today’s complex lead generation environment is, “what lead generation technique is best?” What we’ve learned is that the most effective Medicare lead generation approach involves a smart mix of techniques to attract, engage, and nurture customers across a variety of channels. This approach ensures you are reaching customers in the places and spaces where they're most comfortable communicating. Remember: be where your customers are.


The most successful agents start with a compassionate understanding of a customer’s life journey and demonstrate empathy and knowledge.

People eligible for Medicare can find navigating the process complex. Therefore, it's critical to employ a comprehensive approach to building a thoughtful content strategy to communicate and inform. Effective lead generation starts by providing your target audience with education. Approaching your content marketing strategy by understanding the customer journey and motivations puts you in a stronger position to answer the most meaningful questions.


Traditionally, conventional marketing materials such as direct mail, print ads, referral programs, and educational brochures were sent directly to the customer’s home address. TV or radio spots were market-specific, but still targeted customers in their hometowns. Over the past ten years, a different dynamic has emerged.

It’s no secret that the internet has changed everything, and social media platforms are now viewed as the primary source of mainstream news and information across all age demographics, even the aging population.

The adoption of social media by the aging population can supercharge your online marketing efforts when they are shared with your target’s entire social networks, exponentially expanding your potential customer base.


Building a content strategy is the process of establishing your personal brand, defining your relationship goals with target audiences, and creating a plan to deliver valuable and engaging content.

There are six key steps in developing a robust, effective content strategy:

  1. Determine what you want to achieve with content and define your goals
  2. Identify what your customers are looking for and build your content around this critical question
  3. Review your existing content bank to identify what you can reuse to build credibility and bring customers into your funnel
  4. Create an annual content plan, and outline the types of content you'll create and the channels you'll use to distribute it
  5. Establish your space. With your plan in place, start creating your content. Make sure it is high-quality and engaging, and always relates back to your target audience
  6. Analyze and optimize: Regularly track and measure the performance of your content and adjust your content strategy based on these insights

Most agents make the mistake of thinking of offline and online marketing as two entirely separate marketing approaches. The most-successful agents understand that using precise online data is a force multiplier for boosting the effectiveness of traditional
Medicare lead generation campaigns.


  • Medicare lead generation isn't about whom you reach; it’s about what you teach
  • Understand your target audience and their life journey. Remember that a small amount of empathy and understanding will go a long way in relationship building
  • The most effective Medicare lead generation approaches involve a mix of techniques to attract, engage, and keep customers
  • Establishing an online presence is essential for any business looking to reach new customers
  • Creating a content strategy is the process of defining your goals and creating a plan to deliver valuable and engaging content to Medicare eligible customers
  • Think about data differently and apply it across all marketing efforts



Tags: Lead Generation, Marketing

New CMS Rules To Impact Medicare Advantage Marketing

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Thu, May 11, 2023 @ 09:02 AM

New CMS Rules To Impact

On Wednesday, April 5, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued long-awaited rules pertaining to, among other matters, the marketing of Medicare Advantage (MA) plans. These rules were developed with the intention of protecting Medicare beneficiaries from misleading or deceptive advertising practices. Our leadership quickly activated a task force to study the newly published rules in detail and clarify their implications for our agents' businesses.

The new rules go into effect on June 5 and will be applicable on Sept. 30 for coverage beginning January 1, 2024. This means that they will impact activities that will take place during this year’s Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP), which begins on Oct. 15.

What can you do now?

While the new CMS rules are applicable on Sept. 30, there are steps agents and agencies can start right now.

  • Audit lead generation and marketing materials and evaluate against the newly issued CMS regulations. Lead generation and marketing materials include:
    • Internet ads
    • Direct mail pieces
    • Call scripts
    • Web pages
    • Emails
  • Identify marketing materials, including materials that mention plan benefits, premiums, and cost-savings; and evaluate.
  • Be cautious where the Medicare logo is used on any advertising or in a misleading manner when used for MA or PDP marketing.

PSM anticipates rolling out insight and guidance over the coming weeks. While these efforts are underway, please continue to adhere to current compliance guidelines and submit any marketing materials developed over the normal course of business through your usual approval processes.

Should you have questions related to the CMS announcement, please email them to info@psmbrokerage.com



Tags: Medicare Advantage, CMS, Marketing

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