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Drip the HIP Webinar Series: Overcoming Objections

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Mon, Jul 01, 2024 @ 03:11 PM

Drip the Hip-1

Join us for this engaging discussion and gain valuable insights from some of the industry's leading experts.

Join Jamie Sarno for another exciting Drip the HIP Wired event featuring special guest David Minaya & Jordan Fair from Senior Healthcare Direct.

In this session, David and Jordan will share their inspiring success story with hospital indemnity, including the challenges they faced and overcame. 

Offering hospital indemnity plans allows insurance professionals to meet the evolving needs of healthcare consumers, provide valuable supplemental coverage, and offer added financial protection in times of medical uncertainty.
At PSM, We offer agents a wide range of resources aimed at improving your understanding and skills in selling Hospital Indemnity plans. 


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Tags: Hospital Indemnity

12 Innovative Strategies for Agents to Expand and Elevate Their Medicare Business

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Wed, May 01, 2024 @ 08:35 AM


Growing and scaling a business as a Medicare agent requires creativity, especially in a competitive market. Here are several innovative and effective strategies to help expand your client base and increase revenue:

1. Educational Workshops and Seminars

Host free educational workshops and seminars on topics relevant to Medicare, such as changes in Medicare plans, benefits, or eligibility criteria. These sessions position you as an expert in the field and provide a platform to connect with potential clients. Download our guide on how to market in your local community.

2. Partnerships with Local Businesses and Community Centers

Forge partnerships with local businesses, community centers, and retirement homes to offer informational sessions or one-on-one consultations. This can broaden your reach and establish a trustworthy presence in the community.

3. Utilize Social Media Platforms

Create and maintain active social media profiles tailored to the senior demographic. Use these platforms to share useful content, answer FAQs, and broadcast live Q&A sessions. This not only educates but also engages potential clients. Learn more on how you can leverage social media as an insurance agent.

4. Content Marketing

Develop a content marketing strategy that includes blogging, newsletters, ebooks, and infographics. Focus on topics that are beneficial to your target audience, such as understanding Medicare options, managing healthcare costs in retirement, and the latest updates in Medicare policies. Check out the PSM Marketing Hub for marketing ideas.

5. Referral Programs

Implement a referral program that rewards existing clients for referring new customers. This could be in the form of discounts, gift cards, or special services. Word-of-mouth is a powerful tool in the senior market.

6. Customized Email Campaigns

Use email marketing to send personalized communications to your leads and clients. Segment your email list to ensure that the content is tailored to the recipients’ needs and interests, increasing engagement and conversion rates.

7. Expand Your Offerings

Consider obtaining certifications to sell additional products related to healthcare, such as long-term care insurance, dental and vision plans, or supplemental health insurance. This allows you to offer more comprehensive solutions to your clients’ needs.

8. Networking with Healthcare Providers

Network with doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers who interact with seniors. They can refer patients who might need assistance with Medicare plans. Ensure you leave business cards and brochures that they can easily give to potential clients. Sample provider outreach letter available here.

9. Utilize Client Testimonials and Case Studies

Showcase testimonials and case studies on your website and in your promotional materials. Real-life success stories can significantly enhance credibility and reassure potential clients of your expertise and commitment.

10. Host Webinars

Offer regular webinars on important Medicare topics. This approach not only reaches those who are unable to attend in-person meetings but also allows you to engage with a broader audience from the comfort of their homes.

11. Collaborate with Financial Planners

Partner with financial planners who may have clients approaching the age of Medicare eligibility. This collaboration can be mutually beneficial, as you can refer clients to each other based on the needs of the seniors you serve.

12. Local Sponsorships and Advertising

Sponsor local events or advertise in community newsletters and on local radio stations. Choose venues and media that are popular with the senior demographic to ensure your message reaches the right audience.

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively grow and scale your Medicare agency, reaching more clients and providing valuable services that meet the complex needs of the senior market. Download Checklist.

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We provide robust leadership, advanced sales tools, effective sales strategies, dedicated training, outstanding mentorship, and beyond. From your first application to receiving your commissions, our consistent support guarantees you'll always feel connected and supported.

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Tags: Final Expense, Annuities, Hospital Indemnity, Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement, Referrals, cross marketing, cross selling, dental plans

PSM Agent Resource Guides

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Wed, May 01, 2024 @ 08:31 AM

Agent Resource Guides

Utilizing our insurance agent resource guides can significantly benefit your business by equipping you with the tools and knowledge to thrive in a competitive landscape. These comprehensive guides are designed to help you grow your client base, attract more referrals, and seamlessly expand into new markets.

By leveraging up-to-date industry insights, marketing strategies, and detailed market analyses, you can enhance your service offerings and tailor your approach to meet the specific needs of various customer segments. Additionally, our guides offer practical tips on networking and building stronger relationships, ensuring that you not only reach potential clients more effectively but also create lasting connections that foster loyalty and word-of-mouth referrals.

With these resources at your disposal, you're well-prepared to elevate your business and secure a prominent position in the insurance industry.

At PSM Brokerage, we are committed to supporting our agents every step of the way as you expand your reach, increase your sales, and achieve new heights of professional success.

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Tags: Final Expense, Hospital Indemnity, Medicare Advantage, Insurance Marketing, Facebook, Goal Setting, DSNP, Enrollment Tools, Guide, Resources

Mastering Cross-Selling

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Mon, Apr 29, 2024 @ 12:47 PM


For insurance agents specializing in the senior market, cross-selling additional products to Medicare enrollees is a powerful strategy to enhance value for clients while boosting your business’s profitability. With the right approach, you can effectively address the comprehensive needs of seniors, who often require more than just health insurance to feel secure.

Here’s a look at how you can excel in cross-selling by expanding your portfolio beyond basic Medicare plans.

Understanding the Needs of Your Clients

Seniors have unique needs and concerns that extend beyond healthcare. Issues such as long-term care, dental health, vision, and even financial security are critical. By understanding these needs, you can tailor your cross-selling strategies to offer comprehensive solutions that resonate deeply with your clients.

Popular Cross-Sell Products to Consider:

  • Dental, Vision, and Hearing Plans: These are amongst the most sought-after benefits by seniors yet are not covered by Original Medicare. Offering standalone DVH plans that cover these services can significantly enhance your client's quality of life and can be a deciding factor for seniors choosing to work with you.

  • Hospital Indemnity Insurance: Offering hospital indemnity plans allows insurance professionals to meet the evolving needs of healthcare consumers, provide valuable supplemental coverage, and offer added financial protection in times of medical uncertainty.
  • Long-term Care Insurance: As seniors age, there’s an increasing likelihood of needing long-term care services, which are not covered by Medicare. Long-term care insurance can help cover the cost of care at a facility or at home, protecting your clients’ savings and providing peace of mind.

  • Final Expense Insurance: This insurance helps cover the costs associated with a funeral and burial, a concern for many seniors who wish to ensure their final expenses are not a burden to their families.

  • Annuities and Financial Planning Services: Many seniors are concerned about outliving their savings. Annuities provide a steady stream of income during retirement, while financial planning services can help seniors manage their resources more effectively.

Tips for Effective Cross-Selling

  • Educate Your Clients: Many seniors are not aware of their vulnerabilities and the full range of available insurance products that can address them. Educational meetings, workshops, and informative content can help them understand their options and the benefits of additional coverage.

  • Build Trust Through Transparency: Seniors are particularly sensitive to sales tactics that might come off as pushy or deceitful. Be transparent about costs, benefits, and whether a certain product truly fits their needs. This honesty builds trust and loyalty.

  • Bundle Products for Simplicity and Savings: Whenever possible, offer bundled products or services that provide cost savings and simplify the decision-making process for seniors. This can make additional coverages more attractive and easier to manage.

  • Utilize Technology Wisely: Use CRM systems to track client information, including existing policies and potential needs. Automated reminders and personalized messages can help keep you in touch with clients and provide them with timely, relevant information.

  • Follow-Up Regularly: Regular follow-ups keep you connected with clients, provide opportunities to reassess their current needs, and introduce new products that may be of interest as their circumstances change.

Cross-selling in the senior market offers a win-win opportunity: seniors receive a more holistic approach to their challenges, and agents enhance their service value and business growth. By understanding the broader needs of your Medicare clients and offering them relevant additional products, you position yourself as a trusted advisor dedicated to their overall well-being. Remember, the key to successful cross-selling is understanding client needs and providing real solutions that make a difference in their lives.

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Tags: Final Expense, Annuities, Hospital Indemnity, cross selling, dental plans

2024 NABIP Texas Annual Conference Recap

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Thu, Apr 25, 2024 @ 09:31 AM


On behalf of PSM Brokerage, we extend our heartfelt thanks to each of you who participated in this year's NABIP-TX Annual Conference for insurance agents. Your presence and engagement made the event a resounding success!

We hope you found the sessions enlightening and beneficial, especially the insights on how to build an effective team, and the valuable discussions on understanding loss ratios, company data, and managing carrier books of business. The focus on Senior Dental Plans and the artful strategies behind Cross Selling provided tools that will help you secure and expand your client base.


Additionally, we hope the in-depth sessions on leveraging social media effectively with JoAnna Barker and understanding the evolving landscape of 2025 Marketing Rules and CMS Regulations with Danielle Kunkle Roberts have equipped you with the necessary skills to optimize your marketing efforts and stay compliant in your practices.


The insights provided by Greg Segovia III on the Ins and Outs of an FMO relationship and Sydney Schoellman’s guidance on navigating the escalation path with your carriers are crucial tools for enhancing your business operations and improving your professional interactions. These sessions were designed to give you a comprehensive toolkit for tackling the complex challenges of today’s insurance market, ensuring that you are well-prepared to meet and exceed your professional goals.

Your enthusiasm and active participation are what drive PSM to sponsor these unique and proprietary learning experiences. We are thrilled to support your journey as you implement some of these strategies to grow and scale your businesses.

Thank you once again for your participation and for making the conference a memorable gathering. We look forward to seeing you next year with even more engaging content and networking opportunities to help you succeed in the dynamic world of insurance.


Reach new heights by partnering with PSM as your FMO. We can help streamline your sales process, provide essential support, and enhance your ability to offer clients the right insurance solutions.

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Tags: Hospital Indemnity, Medicare Advantage, Insurance Marketing, Facebook, Goal Setting, DSNP, Enrollment Tools, Guide, Resources, NABIP

Hospital Indemnity Benefit Needs Estimator

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Thu, Apr 11, 2024 @ 10:10 AM

Benefit Needs Estimator

Offering hospital indemnity plans allows insurance professionals to meet the evolving needs of healthcare consumers, provide valuable supplemental coverage, and offer added financial protection in times of medical uncertainty.

By providing fixed benefits for hospital stays and medical services, hospital indemnity plans offer a layer of financial protection that helps individuals manage unexpected healthcare costs more effectively.

Download this helpful resource today.

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Tags: Hospital Indemnity, cross marketing

Hospital Indemnity offers clients a more diverse insurance product | Find out how

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Thu, Mar 21, 2024 @ 09:46 AM

drip the hip

In this episode, Jamie Sarno dispels the misconception that Hospital Indemnity hinders closing a Medicare Advantage sale, labeling it as fiction. He articulates how agents who offer diverse insurance product bundles actually experience higher retention rates compared to those who do not.

Our Drip the HIP video series has the inside scoop on hospital indemnity plans (HIP). Gain invaluable insights on seamlessly filling the gaps for your MA clients in need of extra coverage, and discover the power of building a compelling case for a hospital indemnity plan. Elevate your skills, boost retention, and unlock the potential for a robust hospital indemnity plan.

View PSM Hospital Indemnity Portfolio

jamie sarno


Click the button below to check out  the video series!



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For Agent Use Only. Not for the general public. Products are not available in all states.


Tags: Hospital Indemnity

UHC AdvantageGuard launches in 16 new states

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Tue, Jan 30, 2024 @ 09:05 AM

AdvantageGuard release

Start selling AdvantageGuard today!

AdvantageGuard, the new Hospital Indemnity product underwritten by Golden Rule Insurance Company, a UnitedHealthcare company, launches in District of Columbia and 15 additional states: Alaska, Colorado, Delaware, Hawaii, Kentucky, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, North Dakota, New Hampshire, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Wyoming.

In this comprehensive agent training session, we will conduct an in-depth exploration of benefits offered by the AdvantageGuard Hospital Indemnity plan, along with a detailed analysis of the eligibility criteria. 

Unlock your earning potential

During your first 60 days appointed to sell, earn a one-time $100 bonus on top of your regular commission when your first two AdvantageGuard pieces of business are issued.

Explore AdvantageGuard benefits

Clients can choose the benefits that best fit their needs and budget, all backed by a insurer with an "A+" AM Best rating2. AdvantageGuard offers convenient cash benefits paid to the insured, making it a smart choice for clients who want help with covering out-of-pocket expenses, like their Medicare Advantage plan copays.

Request details today and start offering this new plan to your clients. Precision Senior Marketing is an independent broker agency offering plans underwritten by Golden Rule Insurance Company and other insurers.

UHC GR logo



1Payable per day (limits apply) when Insured Person receives a prescription delivered by injection in an outpatient provider setting. State variations apply. Not available in all states. 

2Additional premium applies.

Agents Only. Not Intended For Consumer Use


Tags: Hospital Indemnity, Medicare Advantage, AEP

2024: Unprecedented Opportunity in Insurance as Record Boomers Hit Retirement

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Wed, Jan 24, 2024 @ 11:05 AM


In 2024, the insurance industry is poised to experience a significant surge in demand, thanks to a record number of Baby Boomers reaching retirement age. This demographic milestone opens up a vast opportunity for insurance sales, particularly in areas directly relevant to retirees. Products like Medicare Advantage, Medicare supplements, long-term care insurance, and life insurance policies that offer financial security and peace of mind to seniors are likely to see increased interest.

As this age group transitions into retirement, their focus shifts towards managing health expenses, securing lifelong income, and ensuring a legacy for their loved ones, making them ideal candidates for these types of insurance products.

Moreover, this shift isn't just about numbers; it's about changing needs and priorities. Financial planning services, annuities, and final expense insurance are also areas ripe for growth, as more Boomers seek to safeguard their retirement savings and plan for the future. Insurance agents and companies who can effectively communicate the value and relevance of their products to this demographic stand to benefit significantly.

The opportunity is here!

The role of an independent insurance agent catering to the senior demographic offers more than just a career; it presents a pathway to a fulfilling, flexible, and financially rewarding profession. In the face of the growing senior market, the ability to generate residual income, and the autonomy of being your own boss, this career path stands out as an excellent choice for those looking to make a positive impact while building a sustainable business. As the population ages, the need for knowledgeable, compassionate, and dedicated Medicare plan agents will only grow, making now an ideal time to step into this rewarding field.

Work with a trusted partner

We take pride in providing our agents with high quality senior insurance products that bring a sense of security and peace of mind to the nation's exploding senior population. Our experienced insurance marketing team provides our agents with a robust product portfolio, game-changing technology and unrivaled support. We look forward to showing you how we can personalize our services to help grow your business.

Related Article:


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Tags: Final Expense, Annuities, Hospital Indemnity, Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement

Start Selling AdvantageGuard Today

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Mon, Oct 23, 2023 @ 02:22 PM

AdvantageGuard release

Start selling AdvantageGuard today!

AdvantageGuard offers broad, customizable solutions for clients seeking easy and reliable hospital indemnity coverage. With guaranteed issue coverage options for seniors aged 60-741 and a focus on flexibility and affordability, AdvantageGuard makes it easy to find the help they may need with unexpected costs.

Your client's new option for help covering Medicare Advantage plan copays

Clients can choose the benefits that best fit their needs and budget, all backed by a insurer with an "A+" AM Best rating2. AdvantageGuard offers convenient cash benefits paid to the insured, making it a smart choice for clients who want help with covering out-of-pocket expenses, like their Medicare Advantage plan copays.

Request details today and start offering this new plan to your clients. Precision Senior Marketing is an independent broker agency offering plans underwritten by Golden Rule Insurance Company and other insurers.

UHC GR logo


1Guaranteed Issue cases must be equal to or less than the GI max allowable base and rider benefit selections. Applications submitted where one or more base or rider benefits exceeds the allowable GI max will be subject to Simplified underwriting.

212-month Commission Advance is only available through YourFMO.com, LLC. contract

3Payable per day (limits apply) when Insured Person receives a prescription delivered by injection in an outpatient provider setting.

4Ratings as of 12/09/2022. This worldwide, independent organization reviews insurance companies and other businesses and publishes opinions about them. This rating is an indication of financial strength and stability. For the latest rating, access www.ambest.com.


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Tags: Hospital Indemnity, Medicare Advantage, AEP

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