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Medicare Blog | Medicare News | Medicare Information

Come see PSM at the 2023 Medicarians Conference

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Thu, Apr 20, 2023 @ 11:13 AM




image-png-Apr-20-2023-03-36-26-3518-PMMedicarians is the home of the product creators, distributors, provider networks, plan administrators, venture investors, and innovators helping the people live longer, better lives both physically, financially, and mentally. https://medicarians.com/ 


Brokers, Agencies & Distribution Partners

•  Network with product owners and administrators in health, wealth, and aging
•  Develop partnerships with leading participants in the industry
•  See what tools and technology can accelerate your business

 Startups, AgeTech Innovators, and Technology Providers

•  Gain visibility into what the leading players in senior care and aging seek
•  Meet thought leaders and leave with deep insight into the forces shaping the industry
•  Understand the competitive landscape to position yourself for success

The Medicarians hotel room block at the MGM Grand is now full. But, rooms are still available at the MGM Grand as well as The Signature at the current public rate.


Tags: Medicare Advantage, Medicare Part D, Professional Networking, CMS, star ratings, Marketing

Nearly 80 Percent of Medicare Advantage Enrollees Covered by 10 Insurers

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Wed, Apr 19, 2023 @ 04:01 PM

80 percent

As the 2023 Medicare Open Enrollment season winds to a close, and beneficiaries and enrollees finalize their decisions, nearly half, 48.7%, of people eligible for Medicare have decided on Medicare Advantage plans, up from 46.1% in March of 2022. Based on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) enrollment data for March 1, 2023, total Medicare Advantage (MA), including Medicare Advantage with Prescription Drug Plan (MA-PD) membership, stood at 31,753,301 with a net gain of 2,276,490 members from March 1, 2022. Medicare stand-alone prescription drug plans (PDPs) covered 22,533,411 members as of March 1, 2023, a net decrease of 910,978 from the previous year. Surprisingly, nearly 80 percent of MA enrollees selected one of 10 insurers, out of the 294 offering plans in 2023. This brief assesses Medicare Advantage and PDP performance, market share and market penetration by state as of March 1, 2023.

Medicare Advantage (MA) Membership

Medicare Advantage (MA) market penetration remains strong; however, there is still abundant opportunity for growth with 48.7% of the nearly 65.2 million people eligible for Medicare enrolled in a MA plan. According to CMS Medicare Advantage enrollment reports aggregated by Mark Farrah Associates (MFA) in Medicare Business Online™, total Medicare Advantage plan enrollment, as of March 1, 2023, increased 9.8% from March 2022. The top ten companies, each with more than 300,000 members in this segment, collectively provided coverage for nearly 80% of the market. Most leading MA companies realized year-over-year growth with an overall net gain of 8.2%.

MA Leading Plan Performance

There are 294 insurers covering the MA marketplace in the United States, however nearly 80 percent of MA enrollees selected one of only 10 insurers.  As of March 2023, UnitedHealth continues to dominate in this highly competitive segment. With over 9 million enrolled, UnitedHealth commands 28.5% of the MA market. Humana ranks second with nearly 18% market share and over 5.6 million lives. CVS maintains the third position, enrolling approximately 3.37 million, and Elevance Health (formerly Anthem) follows, with over 2 million lives. Together the top three insurers cover 56.9% of the MA market.

Source: https://www.markfarrah.com/mfa-briefs/nearly-80-percent-of-medicare-advantage-enrollees-covered-by-10-insurers/ 




Tags: Medicare Advantage, Medicare Part D, CMS, star ratings, Marketing

2023 MedicareCon Recap

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Tue, Apr 18, 2023 @ 11:22 AM

MedicareCon, April 11-12, 2023 at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas

Big thanks to Justin Brock and his BBI team for putting on an amazing MedicareCon event! 3rd time was definitely a charm without a doubt.. 
Precision Senior Marketing was a proud sponsor and it was great talking shop and networking with a group of such strong-minded, intelligent, and driven individuals who are so passionate about their businesses and our industry.
AGENTS are the lifeblood of our industry and make an event like this so worthwhile. We look forward to what’s in store for next year!
MedicareCon #1
If you’re dedicated to making headway in the Medicare market, there’s no better event to attend than MedicareCon. The conference is designed specifically for Medicare agents who are forward thinkers, trailblazers, and entrepreneurs.


Speakers shared exactly what it takes to scale an agency, with tips and advice that can be applied whether you’re just getting started, or you’re looking to take your business to the next level. With a focus on practicality and real-world results, MedicareCon was a great event and one you can’t afford to miss in 2024.



We’ve all heard the term, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know?”

One of the greatest things about the MedicareCon is the attendees themselves. Friendships, partnerships, and mentorships have all happened from agents just like yourself who happened to bump into the right person in the audience.

By connecting with the person to your left or your right (or both) at the conference, you can hold each other accountable to your new goals, challenge yourselves to do more every day, and help each other to keep a growth mindset.

It’s important to keep successful people around you if you want to achieve your goals and the people who attend MedicareCon are the ones who are committed to doing something big with their lives.


MedicareCon #2  MedicareCon #4




Tags: Medicare Advantage, Medicare Part D, Professional Networking, CMS, MedicareCon, Marketing

Expectation of Agents During Telephonic Enrollments

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Thu, Apr 13, 2023 @ 04:18 PM

telephonic enrollments

Today, we'll be discussing the expectation of agents during telephonic enrollments. Although what we'll discuss mainly pertains to agents working in call centers, this information is certainly beneficial for all agents if you have a few minutes to spare. Recently, a carrier conducted an audit and found that most agents missed five key elements during telephonic enrollments. It's crucial for agents to be aware of CMS and Carrier expectations when conducting these enrollments, not only to protect the client, but also to safeguard themselves from corrective action.

Summary of Benefits 

First, it's critical that agents review the Summary of Benefits before completing the enrollment process. This document contains important information about the plan and must be completed by agents in accordance with the approved script requirement. Agents must also ensure they accurately answer any additional questions asked by the applicant or their legal representative, and provide accurate information on plan details described in the SOB. This includes details such as benefits, costs, and coverage limitations. By doing so, agents can provide the applicant with a clear and comprehensive understanding of the plan, which ultimately leads to a successful enrollment process.

Required Disclosures

During telephonic enrollments, agents must read all required and relevant disclosures. as outlined in CMS approved scripts, for the specific plan that the applicant is interested in. Agents should collect agreement and understanding from the applicant regarding these disclosures to confirm that everyone is on the same page and that the applicant fully comprehends what they are signing up for. These disclosures may be presented in various formats such as pop-up boxes or required statements and must be presented to the applicant clearly and concisely to ensure transparency and compliance with CMS and Carrier expectations. 

Complete the Application

When completing the caller's application, the agent must ensure they accurately enter the applicant's contact information, payment options, language preference, and alternate format election.

Additionally, the agent must:

•    Provide the name of the plan that the applicant is enrolling in. 
•    Advise the applicant of the plan's effective date. 
•    Confirm with the applicant that they are ready to complete the enrollment process. 

Call Closing

It's important to provide a compliant call closing to wrap up the call. To do so, you must provide the caller with the carrier name and customer service phone number so they know who to contact for support in the future. Additionally, it's important to provide the TTY number for the benefit of those with hearing impairments. Finally, make sure to provide an application confirmation number for the caller's records, so they have a way to reference their enrollment in the future. 

Accessing MARx 

Before accessing MARX, the agent must obtain and document the beneficiary's permission. The agent should explain that they may collect information related to the beneficiary's current enrollment status, dates of Medicare Part A and B entitlement, eligibility information, and incarceration, if applicable. The beneficiary must be informed about the purpose of accessing this system and be given an opportunity to decline or approve the request. Lastly, the agent must document the beneficiary's response for future reference.


Tags: Medicare Advantage, Medicare Part D, CMS, star ratings, Marketing

HHS Updates 2024 Medicare Advantage Program and Part D Payment Policies

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Mon, Apr 10, 2023 @ 04:49 PM


Updated Medicare Advantage and Part D policies ensure the overall Medicare program remains strong and stable for the 65 million beneficiaries today and future generations to come, payments to private insurance companies are accurate, and taxpayer dollars are well spent.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), released the Calendar Year (CY) 2024 Medicare Advantage (MA) and Part D Rate Announcement that finalized payment policies for these programs. The final policies in the Rate Announcement improve payment accuracy and ensure taxpayer dollars are well spent. CMS will phase-in certain updates, and on average, CMS anticipates a payment increase for MA plans of 3.32% from 2023 to 2024, which is approximately a $13.8 billion increase in MA payments for next year.

Additional proposed policies to strengthen the MA managed care program that will hold health insurance companies to higher standards by:

  • cracking down on abusive and confusing marketing schemes;
  • addressing problematic prior authorization practices that prevent timely access to needed care;
  • making it easier to access vital behavioral health care; and
  • raising the bar on quality and driving toward more equitable care.

Taken together, these actions will make the overall Medicare program stronger.

Read the full article here.


Tags: Medicare News, CMS

New Agent Resource - Medicare 101 Presentation

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Thu, Mar 02, 2023 @ 09:12 AM

Medicare 101 header

PSM believes that education and knowledge are powerful skills.

We also believe that as an organization, it is our obligation to invest in our agents' future by providing resources to help educate your prospective clients on Medicare-related topics.

To that end, we have developed a Medicare 101 presentation that can be used to assist in your Medicare sales. This presentation is CMS compliant and also can be customized with your unique branding.

If you would like more detailed information on how to plan, organize and drive traffic to a seminar please call one of our marketing representatives today.

We will work with our compliance department to provide you with a personalized seminar presentation and give you best practices on the seminar process from start to finish.

View presentation PDF

Medicare 101 slideshow


Medicare 101 presentations when utilized correctly can be an extremely advantageous lead-generation avenue, having the right partnership and strategy in place is imperative to an agent’s success in the Medicare space.

Call to speak with one of our experienced marketers and make this the best year yet!



Tags: Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement, Medicare Part D, CMS, Medicare Solutions

CMS Proposed Regulations - 2024 MA-PD proposed rule

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Tue, Jan 24, 2023 @ 04:43 PM

2024 CMS Proposed Rule

As you are likely aware, CMS published the 2024 MA-PD proposed rule on 12/27/2022, in which CMS proposes to implement several significant changes to its marketing, sales, and oversight rules regarding MA-PD distribution operations. Since the publication of the rule, we have taken several steps to both assess the potential impact of this rule, as well as working to impact the final rule via the comment period, which continues until 02/13/2023.

Among these steps, PSM has created an internal task force consisting of leaders from our Executive, Regulatory and Compliance, Sales and Distribution, and Marketing and Lead Generation teams. This task force is responsible for assessing the impact we believe this rule will have on customers and relaying this information to CMS during the comment period, ensuring that any new MA-PD rule allows PSM to continue to effectively perform our mission of helping people live longer, healthier, and more secure lives.  Additionally, this task force is responsible for ensuring that any required strategic and tactical shifts in our business operations are performed in a way that minimizes disruption to our core operations. 

Outside of PSM, Marketing leaders are working with industry consortia to gather information, provide a shared point of view on the proposed rule, and make additional comments to CMS reflecting our industry’s shared commitment to performing Sales, Marketing, and Oversight operations in a customer-centric manner.

Precision Senior Marketing is committed to keeping our entire agent community informed about changes that may be required because of this rule, as well as providing guidance once the final rule is instituted.  As we progress with our work on this topic, you will be kept up to date.

Source: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2022/12/27/2022-26956/medicare-program-contract-year-2024-policy-and-technical-changes-to-the-medicare-advantage-program 



Tags: medicare advantage updates, CMS

PSM Guide: Understanding the New CMS Call Recording Changes

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Wed, Nov 02, 2022 @ 05:05 PM

Tags: closing sales, Success Tips, CMS, sales advice, Sales Strategies, Compliance

VOICE SOA (Scope of Appointment)

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Thu, Oct 27, 2022 @ 02:43 PM


Tags: Medicare Advantage plans, CMS, Scope of Appointment

Medicare Market Insights and Plan Competition for 2023

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Thu, Oct 27, 2022 @ 10:28 AM

Tags: Medicare Advantage plans, CMS

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