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take your medicare business to the next level

SunFire Medicare Enrollment Platform

A world-class enrollment solution for your business

PSM has teamed up with SunFire to bring you a revolutionary new tool to write more Medicare business. With this all-inclusive platform, you can sell Medicare plans on your terms. Offer top carriers, receive the best commissions, all with industry-recognized service and support.

SunFire combines quality data and smart tools to help agents work more efficiently and effectively.

Replace multiple tools with a single, integrative solution:

Start each Medicare quote with the big picture

SunFire’s quoting tools help you get accurate, holistic customer data quickly.

Customer Lookups

Verify eligibility and enrollment history with real-time CMS lookup.

Needs Assessment

Guided workflow captures health and coverage history, helping you identify the best-suited plans.

Shop by Doctor

Easily locate high performing providers that are in-network and provide best-in-class care.

SunFire Medicare Enrollment Solutions

*For agent use only. Not affiliated with the U. S. government or federal Medicare program. This website is designed to provide general information on Insurance products, including Annuities. It is not, however, intended to provide specific legal or tax advice and cannot be used to avoid tax penalties or to promote, market, or recommend any tax plan or arrangement. Please note that PSM Brokerage, its affiliated companies, and their representatives and employees do not give legal or tax advice. Encourage your clients to consult their tax advisor or attorney.