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Cigna to sell Medicare Advantage plans to Blue Cross Blue Shield insurer for $3.3 billion

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Thu, Feb 01, 2024 @ 03:53 PM

cigna news

Cigna is officially exiting the Medicare business, agreeing to sell all of its Medicare insurance plans to Health Care Service Corp., a large Blue Cross Blue Shield insurer, for $3.3 billion. Read more here.

A message to brokers from Cigna can be found here.


Tags: Cigna, Medicare Advantage

Life After AEP - Strategies for Increasing Life Sales

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Thu, Feb 01, 2024 @ 03:47 PM

Go Beyond-2

Selling life insurance after the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) can be a strategic opportunity, as clients are already engaged in thinking about their healthcare and financial security. To capitalize on this, start by reviewing the conversations you had with clients during AEP about their overall retirement planning and healthcare needs.

 Many clients may have focused solely on their immediate Medicare needs and may not have considered the long-term financial protection that life insurance can provide. Reach out to these clients with personalized communication, highlighting how life insurance can complement their Medicare coverage by providing financial security for their loved ones, covering final expenses, or even leaving a legacy.

Use the insights gained during AEP to tailor your message, focusing on the benefits most relevant to each client's situation. Additionally, offering educational sessions or one-on-one consultations can help demystify life insurance options and demonstrate your commitment to their overall financial well-being. This approach not only positions you as a trusted advisor but also opens the door to addressing a critical aspect of their financial planning that they may have overlooked.

Selling life insurance after the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) can be a strategic opportunity, as clients are already engaged in thinking about their healthcare and financial security. Don't miss this opportunity on how to grow and increase your life insurance sales.

Position yourself with Final Expense insurance

Offering final expense insurance as an agent provides a unique opportunity to address a critical need in your clients' financial planning, particularly for those in their senior years. This type of policy specifically caters to covering the costs associated with end-of-life expenses, such as funerals, burials, and any outstanding medical bills.

By providing final expense insurance, you are offering peace of mind to clients and their families, ensuring that they won't face financial burdens during a time of grief. It's a meaningful way to deepen your relationships with clients, demonstrating that you care about their well-being and the legacy they wish to leave behind. Moreover, the simplicity and accessibility of final expense policies make them an attractive option for a wide range of clients, including those who may not qualify for traditional life insurance due to age or health issues.


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Tags: Life Insurance, cross marketing, Webinar

UHC AdvantageGuard launches in 16 new states

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Tue, Jan 30, 2024 @ 09:05 AM

AdvantageGuard release

Start selling AdvantageGuard today!

AdvantageGuard, the new Hospital Indemnity product underwritten by Golden Rule Insurance Company, a UnitedHealthcare company, launches in District of Columbia and 15 additional states: Alaska, Colorado, Delaware, Hawaii, Kentucky, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, North Dakota, New Hampshire, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Wyoming.

In this comprehensive agent training session, we will conduct an in-depth exploration of benefits offered by the AdvantageGuard Hospital Indemnity plan, along with a detailed analysis of the eligibility criteria. 

Unlock your earning potential

During your first 60 days appointed to sell, earn a one-time $100 bonus on top of your regular commission when your first two AdvantageGuard pieces of business are issued.

Explore AdvantageGuard benefits

Clients can choose the benefits that best fit their needs and budget, all backed by a insurer with an "A+" AM Best rating2. AdvantageGuard offers convenient cash benefits paid to the insured, making it a smart choice for clients who want help with covering out-of-pocket expenses, like their Medicare Advantage plan copays.

Request details today and start offering this new plan to your clients. Precision Senior Marketing is an independent broker agency offering plans underwritten by Golden Rule Insurance Company and other insurers.

UHC GR logo



1Payable per day (limits apply) when Insured Person receives a prescription delivered by injection in an outpatient provider setting. State variations apply. Not available in all states. 

2Additional premium applies.

Agents Only. Not Intended For Consumer Use


Tags: Hospital Indemnity, Medicare Advantage, AEP

Dream Big

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Mon, Jan 29, 2024 @ 03:55 PM

dream big

“The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers.
But above all, the world needs dreamers who do.”

—Sarah Ban Breathnach

Turning your dreams into action requires a blend of inspiration, planning, and persistence. Here are some practical tips to help you start realizing your dreams:

  1. Clearly Define Your Dreams: Be specific about what you want to achieve. Vague dreams result in vague outcomes. Write down your dreams and turn them into concrete goals.

  2. Break Down Your Goals: Large dreams can be overwhelming. Break them down into smaller, manageable steps or milestones. This makes the process less daunting and more achievable.

  3. Create a Plan: Develop a detailed action plan. Identify what needs to be done for each step, set deadlines, and determine the resources you'll need.

  4. Visualize Success: Regularly visualize yourself achieving your dreams. This helps to reinforce your commitment and keep you motivated.

  5. Take Consistent Action: Dreams become reality through consistent action. Dedicate time each day or week to work on your goals, no matter how small the effort may seem.

  6. Learn and Adapt: Be open to learning and adapting your approach as you go. Overcoming challenges and obstacles is part of the journey.

  7. Seek Knowledge and Skills: Identify any skills or knowledge you need to achieve your dreams and find ways to acquire them. This could involve reading books, taking courses, or finding a mentor.

  8. Build a Support Network: Surround yourself with supportive and like-minded people. They can offer encouragement, advice, and may open doors to new opportunities.

  9. Stay Positive and Resilient: Maintain a positive attitude even when faced with setbacks. Resilience is key to overcoming challenges.

  10. Celebrate Milestones: Acknowledge and celebrate your progress. This helps to maintain motivation and gives you a sense of accomplishment.

  11. Maintain Work-Life Balance: Pursuing dreams shouldn’t come at the expense of your health or personal life. Ensure you maintain a healthy balance.

  12. Stay Flexible: Be open to change. Sometimes, dreams evolve, or you might discover new passions along the way.

Remember, putting your dreams into action is a journey that requires patience and persistence. Stay committed to your vision and take consistent steps towards making it a reality.

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Tags: inspiration

With Mutual of Omaha, you've got the advantage

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Mon, Jan 29, 2024 @ 03:37 PM

Selling Opportunities

We keep an eye on rates throughout the year and monitor shifts in the market. After a recent review, we found we have a competitive rate advantages on Plan G and Plan N Medicare supplements in many states.

More Competitive Pricing

Mutual of Omaha also provides competitive pricing on dental and prescription drug coverage, ensuring you're well positioned to cross sell these products to your clients.

Important: Your clients can save 15% when enrolling for dental insurance and a Med supp plan at the same time (in most states).

Service Opportunities

Specifically designed for Med supp, dental and prescription drug plan producers, the Medicare Solutions e-App Storefront helps you work faster and more efficiently.

For example, once you enter your client's information on one application, the details automatically transfer to other applications you submit for them. Switching between Med supp, dental and prescription drug applications is quick and seamless.

Saving Opportunities

Did you know Mutual Perks* gives your Medicare supplement clients access to a wide range of healthy savings from restaurant coupons to discounts on hearing and vision care? Promoting these value-add services is a good way to engage clients and set yourself apart from the competition.

*Mutual Perks cannot be discussed pre-sale.

Check out Mutual Perks →

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Tags: Mutual of Omaha Medicare Supplement

Medicare Costs for 2024

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Mon, Jan 29, 2024 @ 02:54 PM

medicare costs in 2024

Part A (Hospital Insurance)

  • Premium
    • Free if you’ve worked 10 years or more  
    • $278 per month if you’ve worked 7.5 to 10 years  
    • $505 per month if you’ve worked fewer than 7.5 years  
  • Deductible:
    • $1,632 each benefit period  
  • Coinsurance:
    • $0 for the first 60 days of inpatient care each benefit period  
    • $408 per day for days 61-90 each benefit period  
    • $816 per lifetime reserve day after day 90 in a benefit period (You have 60 lifetime reserve days that can only be used once. They’re not renewable.)  
  • Skilled Nursing Facility: 
    • $0 for the first 20 days of inpatient care each benefit period  $204 per day for days 21-100 each benefit period  

Part B (Medical Insurance) 

  • Premium: $174.70 is the standard premium 
  • Deductible: $240 per year 
  • Coinsurance: 20% for most services Part B covers  

Part D (Prescription Drug Insurance) 

  • National Average Part D Premium: $32.74/month 
  • Maximum Deductible: $545 per year 
  • Coverage Gap Begins: $5,030 (you and your plan together) 
  • Catastrophic Coverage Begins: $8,000 (your costs, including brand coverage gap discounts) 
  • Costs after catastrophic limit: $0
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Tags: Medicare News

Get the inside scoop with Physician Mutual's Innovative Plan G

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Mon, Jan 29, 2024 @ 02:26 PM



Would you like to make more Medicare Supplement sales? We have several product features to make your job easier, such as our Innovative Plan G.

To help our customers save money, we developed an exclusive Innovative Plan [G] — which saves them money on premiums for life and gives YOU the competitive edge. No one else offers this plan!

This — plus our other features — gives our agents the advantage in today’s market. What are you waiting for? Join the Physicians Mutual family!

Ask us for details on what sets Physicians Mutual apart from the competition — and why you won’t want to sell others' products. You won’t regret it!

To request details, Please call us at 800-998-7715 or click on the link below.

For recruiting purposes only. Products/features vary by state.

MSUP_EML_RT17 (0222)


Tags: medicare supplement insurance, dental plans, Physicans Mutual

2024: Unprecedented Opportunity in Insurance as Record Boomers Hit Retirement

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Wed, Jan 24, 2024 @ 11:05 AM


In 2024, the insurance industry is poised to experience a significant surge in demand, thanks to a record number of Baby Boomers reaching retirement age. This demographic milestone opens up a vast opportunity for insurance sales, particularly in areas directly relevant to retirees. Products like Medicare Advantage, Medicare supplements, long-term care insurance, and life insurance policies that offer financial security and peace of mind to seniors are likely to see increased interest.

As this age group transitions into retirement, their focus shifts towards managing health expenses, securing lifelong income, and ensuring a legacy for their loved ones, making them ideal candidates for these types of insurance products.

Moreover, this shift isn't just about numbers; it's about changing needs and priorities. Financial planning services, annuities, and final expense insurance are also areas ripe for growth, as more Boomers seek to safeguard their retirement savings and plan for the future. Insurance agents and companies who can effectively communicate the value and relevance of their products to this demographic stand to benefit significantly.

The opportunity is here!

The role of an independent insurance agent catering to the senior demographic offers more than just a career; it presents a pathway to a fulfilling, flexible, and financially rewarding profession. In the face of the growing senior market, the ability to generate residual income, and the autonomy of being your own boss, this career path stands out as an excellent choice for those looking to make a positive impact while building a sustainable business. As the population ages, the need for knowledgeable, compassionate, and dedicated Medicare plan agents will only grow, making now an ideal time to step into this rewarding field.

Work with a trusted partner

We take pride in providing our agents with high quality senior insurance products that bring a sense of security and peace of mind to the nation's exploding senior population. Our experienced insurance marketing team provides our agents with a robust product portfolio, game-changing technology and unrivaled support. We look forward to showing you how we can personalize our services to help grow your business.

Related Article:


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Tags: Final Expense, Annuities, Hospital Indemnity, Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement

The Way You Win with Referral Programs in 2024

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Tue, Jan 23, 2024 @ 02:46 PM


Creating a referral program that wins more customers requires strategic planning, understanding your audience, and continuous optimization. By implementing these steps, you can develop a program that not only attracts new customers but also strengthens the bond with your existing ones. 

Click below for our Ultimate Referral Tips Checklist to get you laser focused on what works to grow your business.

To truly win big with your referral program, it's essential to have a cohesive marketing strategy in place. Automate key referral behaviors to gain high-value referrals and actually convert them to paying customers.

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Tags: Referrals, ReferMe IQ

Medicare Advantage Maintains Upward Trend

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Tue, Jan 23, 2024 @ 02:46 PM

mark farrahThe Medicare Open Enrollment Period, also known as the “Medicare Advantage (MA) and Prescription Drug Plan (PDP) annual election period” or “AEP,” occurs annually from October 15th to December 7th. As of early 2024, there's a consistent increase in MA enrollments from January 2020, reaching nearly 33.5 million, while PDP enrollments have started to recover after a downward trend, now at 23 million.



Tags: Medicare Advantage, Medicare Part D

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