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7 Tips To Close More Insurance Sales

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Thu, Nov 02, 2023 @ 11:14 AM


7 Tips To Close More Insurance Sales

Closing sales isn't just about the words or tactics you use at the end of the sales process.

A strong close requires a foundation built throughout your sales process.

If you don't set yourself up properly before decision-making time, you aren't closing anything, you're simply selling with no direction.

If you are laying the groundwork properly you will have a trajectory through your sales process that will end up with a strong close that works for you and your customer.

Let's review some tips that can help you strengthen your closing game.


brian tracy helping quote


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Listen Intently
Remember, You’re Selling a Solution to a Problem
Use the Power of Stories
Limit Your Offer to a Few Good Options
Highlight the Value to Justify the Price
Ask the Right Questions and Let Them Close Themselves
Summarize Previously Agreed Upon Points

1  Listen Intently


Sounds stupid simple right?

While every salesman has ears, not every salesman knows how to listen. Often time they are rehearsing what they are going to say in their head and missing the cues their client is giving them.

It’s important when you meet a client to resist the urge to just jump right into a sales pitch explaining the reasons your prospect should consider a certain product.

It’s very important to remind yourself to avoid that urge and start simple. Start with listening and connecting.

Ask all the questions you need to ask in order to get to know your client better. Ask about their family, show them you are human and they are not just another sale to them.

When you get past the initial introduction and make your connection with your client, get them started with some simple questions that will allow them to explain their needs in regards to whatever type of insurance you may be discussing.

After all, that’s why you’re there, to discover their true needs and solve a problem for them. Give them time to speak and listen intently. Listen to everything they have to say without interruption, and watch their physical cues as well.

Listening intently will answer a lot of your questions upfront as well as inform you as to what type of objections they are stuck on if they haven’t told you directly.

2  Remember, you’re selling a solution to a problem

Once you’ve listened intently to your potential client you have a good idea of their needs. Or, at least, have developed a better set of questions to clarify the problem they are trying to solve.

When you have a good assessment of their needs, then you can start to find the pieces to the puzzle. Armed with this information you are better informed to look at the different product(s) to propose to your client.

Someone focusing on the sale from the word go may have taken the client's word that they are looking for a Med Supp and never would have learned that they could also benefit from Cancer, Heart Attack, and Stroke coverage.

Approaching your potential clients with a sales consultant strategy, you are positioned to earn their trust and better provide an offer that truly covers their unique coverage needs.

Use the power of stories

Storytelling is a powerful way to share any type of information. Human beings are hard-wired to take in information that is framed in a story.

Instead of just giving a list of benefits when discussing coverage, a story can lay out a situation that your client can identify with and better understand the benefits they can realize with a certain coverage.

When you create a story around a product your clients can imagine themselves in that scenario, experiencing the emotions that reveal a need for specific coverage.

While imagining your story they will feel the emotion of the situation and also the relief of having the coverage that could help them avoid a difficult situation.

When you use a story to illustrate something you can still go back to listing facts, figures, and the practical description of a product. Those facts will only enhance their understanding of the product now that they heard it framed in a story.

4  Limit your offer to a few good options

You can’t help but be amazed at the options we have all around us. Regardless of what you’re looking to purchase, it can be mind-boggling trying to choose from all the different options.

This can get even more overwhelming when we are shopping for something as important as insurance coverage.

We’ve all been there. Standing in a store staring at walls of similar products trying to figure out the differences, comparing price, assigning value, etc. Often time, we can’t make a decision so we walk away.

Remember that when you are presenting options to your clients. Ask the right questions to narrow down what their needs are and find the few best options that are best for their situation.

Give them a small number of choices that are truly a good fit and help them understand the benefits of each in simple language. Make sure they understand the options completely before asking them to move forward.

Don't get them bogged down in details. Do the work upfront and let them have an easier time making a choice. You will have greater success, and happier clients if you do.

5  Highlight the value to justify the price

It’s inevitable that the process of comparing products is going to lead to talk about the price. As you know, the price of anything is directly related to the perceived value of what is being paid for.

Hopefully, you have a process of helping your clients understand the clear value and benefits related to having a certain coverage.

Before you get to the stage of comparing costs, all of the benefits of and value of the coverage need to be laid out. Your client needs to have a clear sense of the value before they ever see a price.

It can be hard to explain the benefits in a way that fully appreciates the value that is provided.

This is where storytelling can work wonders. If you can trigger an emotional connection to the benefits coverage provides, you can better impart the true value involved.

6  Ask the right questions, let them close themselves

Before you can help your client you need to know your client.

Asking the right questions to better understand their needs will help you identify the right coverage for your client but it may also make your client aware of coverage needs they weren’t aware of.

By asking probing questions and reviewing what they mean to your client, you are walking them through the process of seeing the value of different types of coverage.

A skilled agent will go through this process and gain trust from their client because they recognize the agent is trying to solve their problem. Building trust in this way will make them more comfortable when it comes to reviewing options and suggestions you provide.

This will also help them uncover the value of the coverage for themselves, reducing any friction they might have.

Anytime you can lead a client to understand the value, as opposed to just telling them the value, you will have a much easier time closing the sale.

7  Summarize previously agreed-upon points

This is a simple and powerful technique that can be easily overlooked, or not quite used to its full effectiveness.

Throughout the process and steps we talked about in the above sections, you will have evoked emotion and hopefully even had a client recount a situation that is similar to the situation you created a story about.

You would have also asked questions like, “Mr. Brady, you’ve mentioned your family’s increased risk for cancer and heart attack, and are concerned about the possible costs of something like that occurring in your life. Would you be interested in seeing how a Cancer, Stroke, and Heart Attack Plan could fit into your coverage plan?”

When the client answers those types of questions they are closing themselves. Once they’ve done that you need to just summarize their agreement with the value you’ve already proved.

The perceived value you’ve described to your client is going to make accepting the cost of the coverage easier to swallow.

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Closing is one of the most important skills you can develop. Although, It needs to be thought of in the context of your needs assessment.

Guide your clients through the process of understanding how different forms of coverage can help them by using stories to uncover their emotional connection to the coverage.

If you set up your conversation in the right way and ask the right questions upfront, closing becomes a whole lot easier.

Good luck and happy selling.


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10 Things to Know About the Unwinding of the Medicaid Continuous Enrollment Provision

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Thu, Nov 02, 2023 @ 11:11 AM

10 things to know

At the start of the pandemic, Congress enacted the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), which included a requirement that Medicaid programs keep people continuously enrolled through the end of the month in which the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) ends, in exchange for enhanced federal funding. Primarily due to the continuous enrollment provision, Medicaid enrollment has grown substantially compared to before the pandemic and the uninsured rate has dropped. But, when the continuous enrollment provision ends, millions of people could lose coverage that could reverse recent gains in coverage.

As part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023, signed into law on December 29, 2022, Congress set an end of March 31, 2023 for the continuous enrollment provision, and phases down the enhanced federal Medicaid matching funds through December 2023. States that accept the enhanced federal funding can resume disenrollments beginning in April but must meet certain reporting and other requirements during the unwinding process.

This brief describes 10 key points about the unwinding of the Medicaid continuous enrollment requirement, highlighting data and analyses that can inform the unwinding process as well as recent legislation and guidance issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to help states prepare for the end of the continuous enrollment provision.

Read the brief



Tags: Medicare Advantage, Medicare-Medicaid, Special Needs Plans

10 Reasons to Use E- Applications

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Thu, Nov 02, 2023 @ 11:01 AM

E Apps

10 Reasons to Use E-Applications

Since the Coronavirus lock down, the ability to use e-applications has become a hot topic. The lockdown really highlighted the importance of being able to sell from home and complete applications online.

In an industry based on relationships, it is still possible to conduct business, successfully, and build trust with clients without meeting face-to-face.

There are still ways to connect with customers, such as: over the phone or via video call.

E-Apps give you the flexibility to not be right there with your customer but still be able to get a completed application from them.

Agents are starting to realize the many benefits of filling out applications online. This isn’t relegated to times of mandatory social distancing. There are good reasons agents should be using e-applications all the time, whether we have a quarantine situation or not.

E-apps are a great way to submit business. They are quick and easy for agents and clients alike, and can be signed electronically. An application that may take you 30-40 minutes by paper may take you just 10 minutes online.

10 Reasons to Use E-Applications

1.  E-Apps Are Quicker 

E-apps are a much quicker way to do business. They aren’t just quicker to fill out, the time to process the applications is also sped up. In some cases, turnaround time for approvals can be decreased by up to 2 weeks.

2.  Fewer Mistakes With E-Apps

There are far less mistakes with an online application, since the application can alert you if something is missed or input incorrectly.

3.  Pre-Qualify your clients

You can pre-qualify your clients by answering required health questions. No waiting days just to find out if they qualify. Find out instantly with most carriers.

4.  E-Apps Save Time

In addition to application and approval time savings there are more efficiencies agents gain by using this process. An agent will also benefit from the time not having to drive out to client’s homes as they would with paper applications, not to mention the associated costs of travel.

5.  Serve More Clients With the Time You Save

The time gained by using online e-applications can now be put into dealing with more clients, increasing the number of applications that can be submitted compared to the old manual process.

6.  Covid Has Made a Virtual Meeting a Friendly Option

People can be hesitant when it comes inviting a stranger into their home. This can make a virtual meeting and e-app option much easier to sell to clients.

7.  Get Paid to Submit E-Apps

You heard that right. Most insurance companies are offering bonuses to agents when they use e-apps. Why are they doing this? Because they benefit from the efficiency of online applications just like everyone else does. As agents turn more and more to online applications it allows insurance companies to streamline their business around that process.

8.  Quicker Underwriting Approval

Some carriers offer immediate underwriting approval. With these carriers you know on the spot if your client is declined. No more waiting for days just to find out the app was approved or not.

9.  Complete Multiple Apps at Once

Some carriers such as Mutual of Omaha and Cigna (as of the date of this article) allow you to submit applications for different plans. Ex. A client that is looking for a Med Supp. and a cancer policy can be done in one pass without the redundant paperwork.

10.  Get Paid More Quickly

Since the entire process of completing, submitting and approval of applications is quicker with e-apps, then you will obviously get paid quicker. Getting paid quickly means more money in your pocket in less time. Its hard to argue with those types of benefits.

Don’t think of handling applications online as a novel method to be used in just a few circumstances.

There is no reason not to be using e-apps as often as possible. Using e-applications is simply the best method available right now. It will benefit you, your clients and the carrier if you do.

As always , if you have any questions about the tools we have available to help you become more productive, our experienced marketers are here to help.

Tags: Online Enrollment

6 Tips To Improve Client Communication

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Thu, Nov 02, 2023 @ 10:58 AM

6 Tips to Improve Client Communication
(With Tips To Remain Compliant)

6 tips on communicating more effectively with your client


Your clients are trusting you to help them with some very important decisions.

It goes without saying that your clients are the backbone of your business. They could also be a continuing source of praise and referrals for years to come, if you treat them properly.

When I say “if you treat them properly”, the measure of that isn’t how well you think they were treated. If your client doesn’t feel like they were treated well, then they weren’t. It’s that simple.

When you meet a client for the first time there is a natural gap between the both of you. That gap is your lack of understanding of their needs and feelings.

The bridge to get you closer to your client is built with communication.

Below are some key aspects of communication that, if done properly, can help ensure you and your client will both benefit from your interactions.

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Be a Careful Listener
Be Ready to Ask the Right Questions at the Right Time 
Be Empathetic
Be Honest & Transparent
Be Clear & Build Rapport
Be Consistent With Your Follow Up
Tips to Remain Compliant While Communicating With Clients

⍟ Be a Careful Listener

Sometimes the best way to listen is to allow a little pause after a client is done speaking. You don’t always need to respond. A space of silence can encourage your client to offer more of what they are thinking and feeling.

This will give you the best insight into what your client is thinking or what objections they may have.

Note: If you’re just nodding while thinking about what you’re going to say next, you aren’t listening.

" Most people do not listen with the intent to understand, they listen with the intent to reply. "  - Stephen R. Covey

⍟ Be Ready to Ask the Right Questions at the Right Time

Powerful questions are your key to understanding the thoughts and emotion your clients are experiencing. The goal is to understand their fears, goals and desires.

The Powerful questios are those that allow you to understand the motivation behind your clients decisions.

These questions will vary depending on your business and your relationship with the client or prospective client.

Be Empathetic

Empathy is the ability to understand, be aware of and vicariously experience the feelings, thoughts and experience of another.

In order to put empathy into practice you will need to be able to resonate with another persons experiences. You will need to put yourself into a place where you can feel what they’re feeling (to some extent) and understand their situation from their point of view.

This is more than just a simple understanding of what they are going through and a pat on the back. If you can imagine yourself in the circumstance of a client, you should be able to appreciate what they are going through enough to reach a measure of the feeling they are experiencing.

If a client is becoming emotional about anything while you are trying to assess their needs and move them forward, just pause and give them space. Give them time to express themselves, and just listen.

At some point, the fact that you just listened for a time, while they vented, can be enough to get them back around to the issue at hand.

When a client shows a willingness to start discussing business, you have the green light to proceed.

If a client is overly emotional or using an excessive amount of your time in the process, It might be a good time to ask if they would like to re-schedule with you.

" Selling is not something you do to someone, it’s something you do for someone. "  - Zig Ziglar


Be Honest & Transparent

This should be a given, and I almost didn’t include it since it should be so obvious.

Nevertheless, we continue to hear people complain about dishonest sales tactics, or outright lies. People today are skeptical by default. Get caught in a lie or hide information for your own benefit and it will come back to you.

Let’s be clear. Pretending you know something in order to avoid admitting you don’t is a lie. Leaving out important information that your client should know just to get a signature, with the intent to tell them later, or not at all, is dishonest.

In today’s environment, being honest and transparent is seen as a breath of fresh air. There is no reason to be dishonest.

No one is expecting you to be perfect. They will, however, reward you for being honest and acting with integrity.

Be Clear & Build Rapport

Whether you’re having a conversation in person or or via email, keep your discussions as clear, direct and specific as possible. Avoid over-explaining things when not necessary.

A key to great communication and being understood better by others is adapting your style to the person that you are speaking with.

Through careful listening, being empathetic, honest and truthful, your are building rapport with your client.

If your client uses a direct formal tone, respond in kind. If they are more casual and playful, respond similarly. This is the most direct way to get someone to understand you clearly.

This doesn’t mean that you have to be an entirely different person or change the way you are—but if you want your client to feel a stronger bond with you, you should adapt your communication style to fit theirs.

When you tailor your communication in this way you will find that you will have much more success being understood by your client.

" The reason it seems that price is all your customers care about is that you haven’t given them anything else to care about. " 

- Seth Godin

Be Consistent With Your Follow Up

Good follow up is a big part of successful communication. Just because your client enrolled in a plan, doesn’t mean you can forget about them.

If they are confused or unhappy about anything concerning their choice you want to know about it. If you don’t, you can be sure the next agent that talks to them will, and you will no longer have that client.

While there may not be one perfect way to follow up for everyone, there are some general ideas that can help guide you.

For starters, don’t wait to make a follow up appointment with your clients. Follow up appointments should be scheduled at the initial appointment.

Let your client know that you would like to follow up with them and suggest a schedule. Whether that’s 3 days after the initial appointment, 30 days later, 60 days later, that’s up to you, just make sure you discuss it with your client so they agree to the schedule and know what to expect.

Always make it easy for your client to get in touch with you. Make it clear that they can contact you with any questions and give them at least 2 methods of contact.

Some agents send holiday and or birthday cards to their clients. This kind of gesture is up to you, but if others are doing it and you aren’t, what will your clients think when they see a friend get a card from their agent wishing them well for the holidays?

Tips to Remain Compliant While Communicating With Clients

It’s important to keep compliance in mind with everything you do as an agent. As I’m sure your aware, there are a couple rules to communicating with prospective clients.

We will outline some for reference, but please check with the Medicare Communications and Marketing Guidelines and keep up with Medicare related news for updates. There are many stipulations that depend on your specific situation and they tend to change.

First, let’s mention the Scope of Appointment (SOA). Before you make an in person visit with someone you need to complete an SOA form.

For more specific details on how to complete a Scope of Appointment, see our blog on Scope of Appointment.

Remember, It is now allowable for an agent to contact someone via email without an SOA, as long as you have an opt-out function. For more see our article on Medicare Communications & Marketing Guidelines.

Don’t forget to ask for referrals!
Especially since it is now allowed by the Medicare Communications and Marketing Guidelines, on a one on one appointment.


The Final Say

There are many techniques and schools of thought on communication. This is one them.

I think it covers some of the important bits. Through experience and practice you will find your own groove. Keep what works but don’t stop learning and trying new things.

We are always learning more about the human mind and how it works. That will inform how people are influenced, and therefore, how you can best reach them.

And, of course, the rules and regulations will continue to evolve.

You must be aware of those regulations if you want to have the opportunity to keep communicating with prospective clients.

If you have any questions, as always, our experienced marketers are here to help.

Happy selling.

" The difference between try and triumph is just a little umph. "   
  - Marvin Phillips

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What should you expect working with an Annuity IMO

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Mon, Oct 23, 2023 @ 02:25 PM

Annuity FMO

AN IMO/FMO specializing in annuities is a key player in the insurance and financial services industry, serving as an intermediary between insurance carriers or financial institutions and independent agents or financial advisors. An Annuity IMO offers critical support to agents and advisors focused on selling annuities, which are financial products designed to provide a stream of income for clients during retirement.

Here are the primary functions and roles of an Annuity IMO:

Product Expertise: Provide agents and advisors with in-depth knowledge about various types of annuities, such as fixed annuities, variable annuities, and indexed annuities. This knowledge enables agents to assist clients in selecting the most suitable annuity products.

Carrier Contracts: Assist agents in contracting with multiple insurance carriers or financial institutions that offer annuities. This broadens the range of annuity products agents can offer to clients.

Education and Training: Offer ongoing education and training programs to ensure agents stay current with the latest annuity products, regulations, and sales techniques.

Sales Support: They often provide marketing materials, sales tools, and guidance on effective strategies for selling annuities.

Commission Management: They assist agents in tracking and managing commissions, ensuring agents are fairly compensated for their sales efforts.

Compliance Assistance: Help agents navigate regulatory requirements and compliance issues related to annuity sales.

Market Insights: They may provide agents with market insights, trends, and data to help them make informed decisions and adapt their sales strategies to changing market conditions.

Client Support: Some offer post-sale support to clients, helping address their questions and concerns related to their annuity contracts.

An Annuity IMO plays a crucial role in helping agents and advisors serve their clients by offering comprehensive product knowledge, compliance guidance, marketing support, and a broad range of annuity options. This support benefits both the agents and their clients by ensuring that annuity sales are conducted ethically and professionally, leading to well-informed investment decisions for those seeking retirement income solutions.

Check out our Agent Programs and Services Guide to learn more about PSM and the services we proudly offer the agents we work with.

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Precision Senior Marketing was founded in 2006, in Austin, Texas. In the intervening time with almost two decades of experience, PSM has grown to a nationwide footprint, with a mission to empower agents to honestly and ethically help people live longer, healthier and more financially secure lives.

Call us today: (800) 998-7715

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Tags: Annuities, FMO

Guide to Selling Final Expense Insurance

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Mon, Oct 23, 2023 @ 02:23 PM

Guide to selling Final Expense InsuranceA Guide to Selling Final Expense Insurance

Why Sell Final Expense Insurance?

Final expense plans, also referred to as burial insurance or funeral insurance, are specialized life insurance policies that cater to the expenses associated with a policyholder's final arrangements.

This includes covering funeral and burial costs, medical bills, and other end-of-life expenses. These policies are typically whole life insurance with lower face values compared to traditional life insurance, making them more accessible and affordable to individuals of all ages and health conditions.

What sets final expense plans apart is the ease of qualification, as they often do not require medical exams. Instead, applicants usually need to answer a few health-related questions to determine their eligibility.

This makes final expense insurance an appealing choice for seniors or those with pre-existing health conditions. The face value of final expense policies can vary from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars, depending on the coverage amount selected.

The primary aim of these policies is to provide policyholders with financial peace of mind, ensuring that their loved ones are not overwhelmed by the significant expenses that typically accompany end-of-life arrangements.

Additionally, final expense plans often come with a guaranteed cash value component, allowing policyholders to accumulate cash value over time that can be accessed if needed during their lifetime.

Furthermore, these policies usually have level premiums, meaning that the premium remains constant throughout the policyholder's life, providing a stable and predictable payment structure.

When agents sell final expense plans, they must approach the topic with empathy and sensitivity, recognizing the emotional nature of end-of-life planning. By offering comprehensive information and personalized assistance, agents can help individuals and their families make well-informed decisions about selecting the most suitable final expense policy that aligns with their financial needs and preferences.

Ultimately, final expense plans serve as a valuable tool in ensuring that policyholders can leave behind a lasting legacy while alleviating the financial burden on their loved ones during a difficult time.


Best Practices for Selling Final Expense Insurance?

Final expense plans, also known as burial insurance or funeral insurance, are specialized life insurance policies designed to cover the costs associated with a policyholder's final expenses, such as funeral and burial costs, medical bills, and other end-of-life expenses.

These policies are typically whole life insurance with lower face values compared to traditional life insurance, making them more affordable and accessible to individuals of varying ages and health conditions.

One of the key benefits of final expense plans is the ease of qualification, as they often do not require medical exams. Instead, applicants typically answer a few health-related questions to determine their eligibility.

This makes final expense insurance an attractive option for seniors or individuals with pre-existing health conditions. The face value of final expense policies typically ranges from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars, depending on the coverage amount chosen.

These policies aim to provide financial peace of mind to policyholders, ensuring that their loved ones are not burdened with the substantial expenses that often accompany end-of-life arrangements.

Additionally, final expense plans often have a guaranteed cash value component, allowing policyholders to build cash value over time that can be accessed during their lifetime if needed.

Furthermore, these policies usually have level premiums, meaning the premium remains the same throughout the policyholder's life, providing a stable and predictable payment structure. When selling final expense plans, agents must approach the topic with empathy and sensitivity, recognizing the emotional nature of end-of-life planning.

By providing comprehensive information and personalized assistance, agents can help individuals and their families make informed decisions about selecting the right final expense policy to suit their financial needs and preferences.

Overall, final expense plans serve as a valuable tool in ensuring that policyholders can leave behind a lasting legacy while alleviating the financial burden on their loved ones during a difficult time.


Sample Final Expense Sales Script

As a final expense agent, having a well-crafted script can help guide your conversations with potential clients and ensure you cover all essential points.

Below is a sample script that you can use as a starting point.


Agent: Hi, [Prospect's Name]. My name is [Your Name], and I specialize in helping individuals plan for their end-of-life expenses with final expense insurance. How are you today?

Prospect: I'm doing well, thank you. Agent: That's great to hear! I'm reaching out today because I believe having financial security for your final expenses is essential for peace of mind. With your permission, I'd like to ask a few questions to better understand your needs and explore the options available to you. Is that okay? Prospect: Yes, go ahead.

Needs Assessment:

Agent: Wonderful! Let's start by discussing your financial goals and any concerns you may have about planning for your end-of-life expenses. Have you considered final expense insurance before?

Prospect: I've heard about it but haven't looked into it much.

Agent: Not a problem. Final expense insurance is designed to cover the costs associated with funeral and burial expenses, medical bills, and other end-of life costs. It's a way to ensure that your loved ones are not burdened with these expenses during a difficult time. Now, may I ask, what are your thoughts on planning for these expenses?


Sample Script Explaining Final Expense Insurance:

Agent: Final expense insurance is a whole life insurance policy with lower face values, making it more affordable for individuals. It offers a guaranteed death benefit, and the premiums are typically level, meaning they stay the same throughout the life of the policy. Plus, it's easier to qualify for, as there are often no medical exams, just a few health-related questions.


Coverage Options:

Agent: We offer final expense policies with coverage amounts ranging from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. The coverage amount you choose will depend on your specific needs and the expenses you want to cover.


Customizing the Policy:

Agent: I want to ensure we find the best solution for you. By understanding your financial situation and end-of-life wishes, we can tailor the policy to meet your needs and budget. May I ask, what coverage amount would you be comfortable with?

Prospect: I think covering [specific expense] and having some extra for my family would be ideal. Agent: That's a wise decision. I can certainly help you with that. Let's explore some policy options that align with your preferences.


Addressing Concerns:

Agent: Do you have any concerns or questions about final expense insurance that I can address for you?

Prospect: How do the premiums work, and can I access the cash value if needed? Agent: Great questions! With final expense insurance, the premiums are typically level, meaning they won't increase as you get older. As for the cash value, certain policies do build cash value over time, and you can access it if needed during your lifetime. I'll make sure to present policies that offer these features.


Providing Recommendations:

Agent: Based on our conversation, I recommend a policy with [specific coverage amount] and [additional features, if applicable]. This policy will provide you with the coverage you need while keeping the premium affordable. What do you think about this option?


Next Steps:

Agent: If you're ready to move forward, I can assist you with the application process, answer any additional questions you may have, and ensure a smooth enrollment experience. We can get started right away.



Agent: [Prospect's Name], my goal is to provide you with peace of mind knowing that your final expenses are taken care of. When you're ready, we can proceed with the application or schedule another call to address any remaining concerns. It's essential to take the time you need to make an informed decision.

Prospect: I'll think about it and let you know.

Agent: Absolutely. Take all the time you need. Feel free to reach out whenever you're ready, and I'll be here to assist you. Thank you for your time today, [Prospect's Name]. Have a wonderful day!



When crafting your script for selling final expense insurance, it's important to remember that every agent has their own unique style and approach. While it's essential to tailor the script to your personal preferences, there are a few key elements that should always be present.

First and foremost, empathy and understanding should be at the forefront of every conversation. End-of-life planning is an emotional and sensitive topic, and acknowledging this with compassion can go a long way in building trust with your clients.

By showing genuine care and concern, you create a safe space for individuals to share their concerns, and also build trust

In addition to empathy, it's crucial to prioritize your clients' best interests. As an agent, your role is to provide them with all the necessary information and guidance to make well-informed decisions about final expense insurance.

This means taking the time to understand their unique financial situation, end-of-life wishes, and any concerns they may have. By tailoring the policy to meet their specific needs and budget, you can ensure that they are getting the most suitable coverage.

Equipping your clients with the necessary information is also a key aspect of your role. Explaining the features and benefits of final expense insurance in a clear and concise manner can help them understand the value it provides.

This includes discussing the ease of qualification, the coverage options available, and any additional features such as guaranteed cash value or level premiums. By presenting these details in an easy-to-understand way, you reduce friction, and empower your clients to make educated decisions about their final expense insurance.

Ultimately, the goal of your script should be to build trust, provide valuable information, and assist your clients in making the best choice for their needs. By maintaining empathy and understanding, prioritizing their best interests, and equipping them with the necessary information, you can ensure that your conversations are productive and beneficial for both parties involved.


Download PDF of the guide and incorporate the proven script into your business today!


Tags: Final Expense, Guide

Start Selling AdvantageGuard Today

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Mon, Oct 23, 2023 @ 02:22 PM

AdvantageGuard release

Start selling AdvantageGuard today!

AdvantageGuard offers broad, customizable solutions for clients seeking easy and reliable hospital indemnity coverage. With guaranteed issue coverage options for seniors aged 60-741 and a focus on flexibility and affordability, AdvantageGuard makes it easy to find the help they may need with unexpected costs.

Your client's new option for help covering Medicare Advantage plan copays

Clients can choose the benefits that best fit their needs and budget, all backed by a insurer with an "A+" AM Best rating2. AdvantageGuard offers convenient cash benefits paid to the insured, making it a smart choice for clients who want help with covering out-of-pocket expenses, like their Medicare Advantage plan copays.

Request details today and start offering this new plan to your clients. Precision Senior Marketing is an independent broker agency offering plans underwritten by Golden Rule Insurance Company and other insurers.

UHC GR logo


1Guaranteed Issue cases must be equal to or less than the GI max allowable base and rider benefit selections. Applications submitted where one or more base or rider benefits exceeds the allowable GI max will be subject to Simplified underwriting.

212-month Commission Advance is only available through YourFMO.com, LLC. contract

3Payable per day (limits apply) when Insured Person receives a prescription delivered by injection in an outpatient provider setting.

4Ratings as of 12/09/2022. This worldwide, independent organization reviews insurance companies and other businesses and publishes opinions about them. This rating is an indication of financial strength and stability. For the latest rating, access www.ambest.com.


Agents Only. Not Intended For Consumer Use.


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Tags: Hospital Indemnity, Medicare Advantage, AEP

What should you expect working with a Medicare FMO

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Mon, Oct 23, 2023 @ 02:05 PM

Medicare FMO

A Field Marketing Organization (FMO) in the context of Medicare serves as an intermediary between insurance carriers and insurance agents or brokers specializing in Medicare insurance products. The primary focus of a Medicare FMO is to support and assist agents in selling Medicare-related insurance plans, which include Medicare Advantage (Part C) plans, Medicare Prescription Drug Plans (Part D), and Medicare Supplement (Medigap) plans.

Here are the key functions and roles of a Medicare FMO:

  1. Product Knowledge: Medicare FMOs provide agents with comprehensive information about various Medicare plans, ensuring they have a deep understanding of the options available to beneficiaries.

  2. Carrier Contracts: FMOs facilitate the contracting process for agents, allowing them to represent multiple insurance carriers. This diversity of carriers gives agents more flexibility and choices to offer their clients.

  3. Education and Training: They offer training programs and resources to keep agents informed about the latest Medicare regulations, compliance requirements, and effective sales strategies. This education helps agents provide accurate and up-to-date information to beneficiaries.

  4. Sales Support: Medicare FMOs often provide marketing materials, lead generation programs, and guidance on effective sales techniques to help agents succeed in the Medicare market.

  5. Commission Management: These organizations assist agents in tracking and managing commissions, ensuring they receive compensation for the sales they make in a timely manner.

  6. Compliance Assistance: FMOs help agents remain compliant with Medicare marketing guidelines and regulations to prevent potential penalties or legal issues stemming from non-compliance.

  7. Client Support: Some Medicare FMOs offer post-enrollment support to beneficiaries, addressing questions or concerns related to their Medicare plans.

  8. Market Insights: They may provide agents with market insights and data that help them make informed decisions and adapt their strategies to changing market dynamics.

In essence, a Medicare FMO serves as a valuable resource and support system for insurance agents, allowing them to serve clients more effectively and provide the information and services required to make informed choices regarding Medicare plans. It benefits both agents and beneficiaries by ensuring a smoother and more informed enrollment process.

With approximately 10,000 individuals in the United States becoming eligible for Medicare each day, finding the right Field Marketing Organization (FMO) to partner with is crucial for achieving success. PSM goes above and beyond to empower independent agents, agencies, and brokers by offering unparalleled insurance products, exceptional back-office support, and a wealth of valuable tools and resources.

Check out our Agent Programs and Services Guide to learn more about PSM and the services we proudly offer the agents we work with.

Learn MORE (1)


Precision Senior Marketing was founded in 2006, in Austin, Texas. In the intervening time with almost two decades of experience, PSM has grown to a nationwide footprint, with a mission to empower agents to honestly and ethically help people live longer, healthier and more financially secure lives.

Call us today: (800) 998-7715

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Tags: FMO, Medicare FMO

Customized Promotional Medicare Flyers

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Thu, Oct 19, 2023 @ 04:35 PM


Looking for pre-approved Medicare Flyers you can customize with your personal information? Well look no further! PSM offers an array of promotional materials to help you stand out in the Medicare market.

Looking for something custom? We also offer a full suite of creative services to our producing agents. Let us know how we can help you today!

View flyer samples






Supercharge your lead generation, skyrocket your sales, and boost your income with custom marketing pieces to help you stand out in the crowd.

Request details here or call us at 800-998-7715.

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Tags: Marketing, Flyer

Marketing Masterminds: Closing Live Transfer Leads

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Tue, Oct 17, 2023 @ 05:05 PM


We hope you enjoyed our latest edition of Marketing Masterminds. In this session, Bobby and Brian walked us through their sales process and shared tips on overcoming objections. Thank you again to our all-star team of panelists!

If you couldn’t make it, you can watch the recorded the session by clicking the video below. You can also download Bobby and Brian’s sales process presentation.

Download Presentation Slides

View recorded webinar

Don’t forget to register for the check-in webinars during AEP so you can ask questions and receive more sales tips and strategies!

October 26 at 1:00pm

November 9 at 1:00pm

November 23 at 1:00pm

December 6 at 1:00pm

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Tags: AEP, Telesales

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