Final Expense Insurance Plans

Offering final expense plans provides several benefits for insurance professionals. These include the potential for commission income, a market with a consistent and growing demand as individuals seek to alleviate the financial burden on their loved ones after their passing, the ability to offer peace of mind and financial security to clients by helping them cover funeral and burial expenses.

There is a great opportunity to provide customizable coverage options that suit individual needs and budgets, the potential to build strong relationships with clients and their families by offering support during a difficult time, and the ability to offer a valuable and necessary insurance product that addresses an essential aspect of end-of-life planning.

Guide to Selling Final Expense Plans

Selling final expense plans allows insurance professionals to make a meaningful impact, provide crucial financial protection, and assist clients in preparing for their final arrangements while alleviating the burden on their loved ones.

Final Expense Insurance Carriers We Represent

Aetna Final Expense
American Home Life Final Expense
Corebridge logo
Mutual of Omaha Final Expense
ALLSTATE Final Expense
Aflac Final Epense
Baltimore Life
Foresters Financial Final Expense
GTL Heritage Plan Graded Whole Life
Oxford Life Final Expense
Royal Neighbors Final Expense
American Amicable
Cigna Final Expense
Gerber Final Expense
Sentinel Security Life Final Expense
LifeShield Final Expense

Final Expense Insurance Information

Final expense insurance is a product designed to help cover final expenses such as the costs associated with funeral and burial expenses, probate fees or other financial obligations that your client’s family may face in the event of death. Many funeral expenses run over $10,000 and can create a significant burden on loved ones.

Final expense insurance is targeted to clients who desire coverage for final expenses and who don’t want to go through the hassles of full underwriting. Additionally, clients who have previously been declined for coverage with one carrier may be considered again with another.

Final expense insurance products normally don't require formal medical examinations, so most clients qualify with little to no problems. Also, premiums are guaranteed so the investment is low risk and predictable for clients. Additional rider protections are available for added security.

Final Expense Agent Resources

Working Insurance Leads-1    Cross Marketing Senior Insurance

Final Expense Cross-Marketing letter for Medicare clients (Sample):