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Compliance Bulletin - October 2023

Written by Admin | Mon, Oct 02, 2023 @ 06:40 PM

With the annual enrollment period in full swing, we felt this was a great time to review common causes that lead to a CTM filing. Although there are many reasons a beneficiary would file a CTM, more often than not, during AEP, these complaints stem from an agent: 

•    Not building a rapport with the client
•    Failing to provide all the essential reasons for choosing a particular plan 
•    Missing important cues from the client during a conversation

Sell With Your Ears 

While having a well-prepared sales script is undoubtedly crucial for any enrollment, the true linchpin of a successful sale lies in active listening. Regrettably, at times, agents become overly engrossed in planning their next response, inadvertently missing out on important details shared by their clients. This passive listening approach can potentially result in agents offering inappropriate responses to their clients. It's vital to remain prepared to pause and actively listen throughout your conversation.

Respond To Your Client's Needs 
Listen actively and paraphrase what you hear. This technique works particularly well when your client expresses what benefits they are Looking for. Your paraphrasing confirms for them that you have the same goal in mind and that you are working together to find the best plan. Remember that responding to your client's needs isn't just about offering solutions; it's about demonstrating that you value their concerns, understand their unique situation, and are dedicated to finding the best possible solution for them.

Respond Appropriately 
Respond appropriately when clients share additional information. It's important to recognize that the benefits they seek may not be their only concern. Medicare beneficiaries often undergo significant life changes. Acknowledging these concerns and offering suitable empathy is essential. In some instances, addressing difficult situations like the recent loss of a loved one or a decline in mobility may be necessary. While you don't need to dwell on these topics, offering a few words of sympathy can go a long way in demonstrating your understanding and support.

Be Comfortable With Negative Feedback 
It's possible that your client may express concerns about the plan you've presented. It's crucial not to dismiss or contradict their objection. Rather, acknowledge their concern and engage in a constructive discussion. Offer them ample time to weigh the advantages and disadvantages, demonstrating your collaborative approach to finding the best solution together. The goal is to turn objections into an opportunity for dialogue and mutual problem-solving. This approach not only helps address their concerns effectively but also strengthens your relationship with the client. 

Above all, maintaining ethical sales practices is the cornerstone of Medicare Advantage sales. Always act in the best interest of beneficiaries, providing unbiased information and recommending plans that suit their unique needs. By following these compliance guidelines, you contribute to a positive experience for both beneficiaries and the industry as a whole.

Thank you for taking a few minutes out of your day to view this message we're always here to help so feel free to reach out with any further questions you may have. We can be reached at (800) 998-7715.
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