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Agent Compliance Guide

Written by Admin | Wed, Oct 11, 2023 @ 09:08 PM

Staying compliant during the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) for Medicare sales is not only crucial for the reputation and integrity of your business but also for the well-being of Medicare beneficiaries.

Agents must ensure that all interactions with beneficiaries, from initial contact to the final enrollment, are transparent, ethical, and in full accordance with Medicare rules and regulations. This includes the proper use of the Scope of Appointment (SOA) process, which grants beneficiaries control over the topics discussed during meetings, preventing aggressive sales tactics.

It also involves providing accurate information about plan options, costs, and coverage, as well as respecting the Annual Enrollment Period deadlines. Compliance not only keeps you in good standing with regulators but, more importantly, it fosters trust with your clients, ensuring they receive the best possible guidance for their healthcare needs.


With the high stakes involved in helping seniors make critical decisions about their healthcare coverage, adherence to strict compliance is paramount.

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