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High Quality In-Person Appointments

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Medicare-Express-Logo-600-2023-12A New & Better Way for Medicare Field Agents To Make More Sales.

Rise Above

Traditional prospecting is unreliable and leads to lousy results and poor performance. Medicare Express demolishes the old system, lifts agents out of the sea of mediocrity, and puts them on course for greater success and lasting consumer relationships that stay on the books.

Great Agencies Are Built On Great Meetings  

Instead of wasting time chasing a list of leads…

Solve your prospecting challenges with our streamlined process that saves you time, saves you money, and lets your team focus on selling…so your agency can expand its book of business. All your agents need to do is keep a calendar and disposition of your sales meetings. We'll handle everything else.

Our proprietary Medicare Express Wizard syncs with your calendar to automatically set sales meetings around your team’s schedule. We identify benefits your prospect wants and needs. We pinpoint the optimal carriers and plans in your prospects’ zip code. And we share all of the information with you in the Medicare Express Wizard. Then we connect you to the customer by sending out a group text message to agent and customer confirming the day, time, and place of the sales meeting.

Now, looking for sales meetings is as easy as checking your calendar.

Play To Your Strengths—Sales!

We filter prospects so you don’t have to, disqualifying 92 out of 100 people we reach. The result: A success rate of 92% of consumers showing up for their sales meetings and up to 51% converting.

That means you can be certain your time is optimized with high intent, qualified customers served up every day…to help your team crush sales goals for your strongest selling season ever.

Ready To Accelerate Your Growth?

This is how you turn ordinary agents into super producers… how you turn super producers into rock stars… and how to grow your agency at scale.

You know the pain of prospecting.
Now experience the power of Medicare Express.

Get more meetings and more sales in your market on your schedule. And streamline the entire prospecting process for faster, easier sales. That’s why we call it Medicare Express!

